The alert and event screen can be customized by adding customized extensions such as context menu items to the alert and event screen.
Open WinCC_OA_Proj/scripts/libs/aescustomizations.ctl, follow the TODO steps there and implement the interface for adding the context menu:
When Row Customization is enabled and you open the Alert and Event screen, the following message is shown: WCCOAui1:["DEMO active:
Click Start/Refresh to get the alerts (if your project has none, produce them). Right-click to open the context menu Demo. The menu item
will be displayed:
Figure 1. Menu item Demo and the following will be written to the log:
Click Start/Refresh . When you click the row(s), the following will be written to the log:
WCCOAui1:["CustomizeAesPermission::hasAccess(1, 1, 1)"] WCCOAui1:["CustomizeAesPermission::hasAccess() returned TRUE"]