COM - getLangIdx()
Returns the index of the given language in the project.
HRESULT getLangIdx([in] VARIANT id, [out, retval] int
Parameter | Description |
id | Language ID. The language identifier from the lang.dir file in <wincc_oa_path>/nls from the first column of the file, for example, id ="it_IT.iso88591"; (for Italian). The language identifier can also be an integer. In this case, you can find the language numbers of the different languages in the lang.nt file in <wincc_oa_path>/nls. |
asDpName | Index of the given language |
This function returns the index of the given language (either via language name or integer) in the project. The index starts at 0, therefore e.g. index 2 is returned for the language on the third place in the config file.
Public Sub getLangIdx()
Debug.Print moComManager.getLangIdx("en_US.utf8")
End Sub