
This function allows the WebView Ewo to ignore SSL Errors.


bool ignoreSslErrors( bool ignoreAll);

bool ignoreSslErrors( dyn_string errorList);


Parameter Description
ignoreAll When ignoreAll = "true" all SSL errors are ignored. The default value is "false".

Defines a list of error codes that should be ignored. A comprehensive list of available error codes can be found in the Qt Documentation - enum QWebEngineCertificateError::Error.

If an empty string is given as parameter, the given error codes are no longer ignored.

Return Value

The function returns "true" upon success, and "false" if execution failed.


wrong error codes


This function can either be used to ignore all certificate errors, when given the bool parameter "ignoreAll". Or it ignores a specific list of erros given with the dyn_string parameter "errorList".

Once set, ignoring the SSL Errors is valid for the runtime of the UI Manager.

The function ignoreSslErrors can not be used within the ULC UX with the property ClientSideWidget = "true". This is due to Browser-Security, with which SSL errors cannot be automatically accepted in the JavaScript Browser.


Calling the ignoreSslErrors function to ignore all certificate errors:


Using the function with a dyn_string to ignore signed and expired certificate errors:

ignoreSslErrors(makeDynString("CertificateAuthorityInvalid", "CertificateDateInvalid"));

For the webView EWO to start registering the SSL Errors again, after a call of ignoreSslErrors with the "errorList"parameter, the function must be called again with an empty dyn_string as "errorList"parameter:


Multiple calls of this function can be used in succession:


In this case, only the "CertificateAuthorityInvalid" errors are ignored, as the ignoreSslErrors for all errors is removed again.


WebView EWO