_hyst_time (Delay) attribute

The _hyst_time attribute (called Delay in the alert_hdl configuration) specifies the minimum time in seconds that an alert must be in a bad range for it to be triggered. When the alert is back in a good range, it is immediately cleared. For an alert instance, the _alert_hdl.<detail>._hyst_time can be used to get the values used for an alert instance. The configuration applies per alert range.

Intermediate state

If a value came into a bad range while the _hyst_time (Delay) was set to a specific time e.g. 20 seconds and the system was restarted after 15 seconds - the alert will be in the intermediate state for another 20 seconds after the restart.

If an _alert_hdl is deactivated during the intermediate state, the alerts that have not yet been triggered will be discarded and will not be triggered after the came alert _delay_came expires.

Changing the hyst_time (Delay) attribute is not allowed while an _alert_hdl is active. This attribute is also read-only for an alert instance.