WCCILdata - IMPL/WARNING - no gone alert between two came ones

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which occurs at startup when there is an inconsistency of the alert-database, the log message is written to the WCCOA.log file.

There are 2 different types for this log-message.

Type 1:

WCCILdata (0), 2010.08.03 15:28:28.675, IMPL, WARNING, 187, DP: Pump1.state.on:_alert_hdl: No gone alert between two came ones at 2010.06.22 16:31:33.125 and 2010.06.2808:07:33.468, AlertAdministration, insertAlert

Log-message with symbolic names:

WCCILdata (0), <TIMESTAMP>, IMPL, WARNING, 187, <DP-ID>: No gone alert between two came ones at <TIME 1> and <TIME 2>, AlertAdministration,

Type 2:

WCCILdata (0), 2010.02.22 12:01:25.285, IMPL, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, AlertAdministration, insertAlert, no gone alert between two came ones Pump1.state.on:_alert_hdl
(Type: 0 Sys: 0 Dp: 410 El: 1 : _alert_hdl..0)

Log-message with symbolic names:

WCCILdata (0), <TIMESTAMP>, IMPL, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, AlertAdministration, insertAlert, no gone alert between two came ones <DP-element>:_alert_hdl(<DP-ID>)

This message describes that there is no gone alert between two came alerts for the given dp-element <DP-Name>.

It can be corrected with the start-option -repair alerts of the data-manager, use this option in the following way:

  • Add the option at the data-manager
  • Stop the project
  • Start the project
  • Remove the option when the project is started

In case of redundant system this procedure has to be repeated for the second server.

This inconsistency at the alert-database can cause some after-effects, one of these effects can be that one alert cannot be acknowledged at the AEScreen.