The View menu

From the View menu you can:
split the view horizontally (Split View Top/Bottom) or vertically (Split View Left/Right) - mixing is not allowed, and expand it arbitrarily often (Add Split View). This feature helps you at extensive scripts not to lose the focus to a line while you are working in a different one. You can remove added views with Remove Current View every time (not the main view!).
show the linenumbers (Show Linenumbers)
show a shape list (Show Shape List). That means that all the objects of this panel will be shown.
show a Dp Completion List (Show Dp Completion List)
show the function arguments for a specific function (Show Function Arguments)
find the matches for a specific word (Show Matched Words)
remove all markers (Remove Markers)
remove all coverage markers (Remove Coverage Markers)
If you type a function name and left parenthesis, the parameters for the function are shown as a tooltip. For user-defined functions also default values are shown.
Changed CTRL scripts or libraries will be saved in the project path.
The project path is the default setting.
Objects of references are not shown in the script editor.