Internal data points of the OPC A&E client

The properties of an OPC A&E server are set and the status information and the data of the server are provided via the server data point. The values are shown in the OPC A&E client configuration panels of WinCC OA - see also Configuration of the OPC A&E client.

A data point of the type _OPCAEServer has to exist for each OPC A&E server that has to be started, before the OPC A&E client is started. The data point name consists of:

"_" + symbolic server name


Symbolic name: WinCC OA

Name of the internal data point of the type _OPCAEServer: _WCCOA

The server subscriptions are defined via the event subscription data points. One or several event subscription data points can exist for a server. The properties of event subscription are set in the data point elements. The values are shown in the OPC A&E client configuration panels of WinCC OA - see also Configuration of the OPC A&E client.

There has to be a data point of the _OPCAEEventSubscription type for each event subscription. The data point name consists of:

"_" + Event Subscription Name


Event Subscription Name: WCCOASubs

Name of the internal data point of type _OPCAEEventSubscription: _WCCOASubs

The elements of the data point type _OPCAEServer are shown in the following table.


Table: Status data point elements of _OPCAEServer

Data point element Type Description
Connected bool Is set by the driver (TRUE) when a connection to the corresponding server exists. Is reset (FALSE) when the connection is interrupted. The value cannot be set by the user.
VendorInfo string Manufacturer specific information of the server. This value cannot be set by the user.
ServerStateText string

If an OPC ServerState is the ServerState, the presentation of this value is returned in this value as a text. This value cannot be set by the user.


ServerState = 1


ServerState int The status delivered by the server, as a text. This value cannot be set by the user.
StartTime time Time (in local time) when the server was started. This value cannot be set by the user.
LastUpdateTime time Time of the last update by the server in local time. This value cannot be set by the user.
MajorVersion int Major version of the server software. This value cannot be set by the user.
MinorVersion int Minor version of the server software. This value cannot be set by the user.
BuildNumber int Build number of the server software. This value cannot be set by the user.
FilterMask int Shows which filters are supported by the server. The value should be interpreted according to the OPC specification. This value cannot be set by the user.

Table: Data data point elements of the _OPCAEServer

Data point element Type Description
EventCategories.EventCategoryNames dyn_string Names of the Event Categories of the server. This value cannot be set by the user.
EventCategories.EventCategoryIds dyn_int Ids of the Event Categories of the server. This value cannot be set by the user.
Conditions.EventCategoryNames dyn_string Event category names of the conditions of the server. This value cannot be set by the user.
Conditions.ConditionNames dyn_string Name of the conditions of the server. This value cannot be set by the user.
Subconditions.EventCategoryNames dyn_string Event Category names of Sub Conditions of the server Servers. This value cannot be set by the user.
Subconditions.ConditionNames dyn_string Condition names of the sub conditions (of the server). This value cannot be set by the user.
Subconditions.SubConditionNames dyn_string Names of the sub conditions of the server. This value cannot be set by the user.
SourceConditions dyn_string

Conditions of the server items. Syntax:

<Item Name> | <Condition 1> | ...

This value cannot be set by the user.

ConditionIdentification.ConditionName dyn_string Names of the conditions (of the server). This value cannot be set by the user.
SourceIdentification.QualifiedSourceName dyn_string Names of the server items. This value cannot be set by the user.
SourceIdentification.QualifiedSourceNameBackup dyn_string

Copy of SourceIdentification.QualifiedSourceName.

This values is necessary for keeping the configuration ,in case while browsing the server during the client start, the server cannot deliver all items.

QualifiedAreaNames dyn_string Names of the server areas. This value cannot be set by the user.

Table: Configuration data point elements of the _OPCAEServer

Data point element Type Description
RegServerName string ProgID des OPC A&E Server.
EventCategories.Attributes4Original dyn_string Attribute of the Event category that is mapped to the original value in WinCC OA.
EventAttributes.EventCategoryNames dyn_string Contains three entries for each category. Is used to check which attribute is assigned to the category.
EventAttributes.EventAttributeNames dyn_string

Contains the three entries Ack Comment, Areas and Current Value for each category.

Is used to check which attribute is assigned to the category.

EventAttributes.EventAttributeIds dyn_int Contains three entries for each category. Is used to check which attribute is assigned to the category.
EventAttributes.EventAttributeTypes dyn_int Contains for each category the entries VT_BSTR, VT_RESERVED, VT_R8).
ConditionIdentification.MasterNameFromCondition dyn_string Automatically generated name of the master data point for a condition. The value cannot be set by the user
ConditionIdentification.MasterNameChanged dyn_string Manually changed name of the master data point for a condition. If the entry does not exist, the entry consisting of "ConditionIdentification.MasterNameFrom Condition" is used.
SourceIdentification.ClientNameFromSource dyn_string Automatically generated name of the WinCC OA data point for a server item. This value cannot be set by the user.
SourceIdentification.ClientNameFromSourceBackup dyn_string

Copy of SourceIdentification.ClientNameFrom Source.

This values is necessary for keeping the configuration ,in case while browsing the server during the client start, the server cannot deliver all items.

SourceIdentification.ClientNameChanged dyn_string Manually changed name of the WinCC OA data point for a server item.
SourceIdentification.ClientNameChangedBackup dyn_string

Copy of SourceIdentification.ClientNameChanged.

This values is necessary for keeping the configuration ,in case while browsing the server during the client start, the server cannot deliver all items.

Update bool If the value is set to 1, the server data is updated in WinCC OA.
Acknowledge dyn_dpId All acknowledgements of the alert panel are added here.
AddSubscription bool If this value is set to 1, the client gets a hotlink that a new subscription was created.
Prefix string Prefix with which all generated data points are automatically preceded.
QualInfoFilter.QualInfo int The value of this data point specifies which part of the OPC quality information is mapped to the user bits, in WinCC OA.
QualInfoFilter.QualInfoDetail int This value specifies to which user bits the "QualInfoFilter.QualInfo" part of the quality information is mapped to. See also the Table of the OPC Data Access Client documentation in WinCC OA.
InvalidMapping int If this value is TRUE, the invalid bit is set by the driver if the OPC Quality Information is BAD or UNCERTAIN. This setting can be combined with all possible settings of "QualInfoFilter.QualInfo" and "QualInfoFilter.QualInfoDetail".
StateTimer uint This value specifies the second interval how often the server status is queried. Since the status query (together with a callback mechanism) is used for connection monitoring, the value should not be too big (1- 30 seconds). When the value is 0, the server stet is not queried.
ReconnectTimer uint After the client connection to the server was lost, the client tries to rebuild the connection. This value specifies the length of the interval (in seconds) after which the client tries to rebuild the connection. CAUTION: This value should not be to small since otherwise the client tries to rebuild the connection before the server has shut down. (~ 20 seconds).
QuerySourceConditions bool If the value id set to 1, the conditions of the server items are updated by the server.
DeleteServer bool If the value is set to 1, the server data point is deleted.
newSourceIdentFromServer dyn_string If the server creates a notification of an item that is not registered in the subscription, the item is entered here.
RefreshState uint Indicates whether a refresh is running (1) or not (0).


Table: Data point elements of _OPCAEEventSubscription

Data point element Type Description
OPCAEServer string Name of the server data point to which the subscription belongs.
FilterEventType int Defines the event types for the subscription.
FilterCategories dyn_string Defines the event categories for the subscription.
FilterLowSeverity int Defines the lower priority limit for the subscription.
FilterHighSeverity int Defines the upper priority limit for the subscription.
FilterSources dyn_string Defines the server items for the subscription.
Refresh bool If this value is set to 1, the Event subscription is refreshed.
Active bool If this value is set to 1, the subscription is active. This means that the server sends events for this subscription.
BufferTimeReq int Time the server should buffer before it sends new events to the client. 0 means that the server does not buffer at all and sends the changes immediately.
BufferTimeAct int Time which the server can actually buffer before it sends new events to the client. The value cannot be set by the user.
MaxSizeReq int Maximum amount of events that should receive a callback from the server. The server buffers as long as this amount is reached. If the earlier set buffer time elapses earlier, the server sends data also when the maximum amount of events is not reached yet. 0 means that the server does not buffer at all and sends the he changes immediately.
MaxSizeAct int Maximum amount of events that can actually receive a callback from the server. The value cannot be set by the user.
Items dyn_string Defines the WinCC OA DPEs for the subscription. These are the DPEs to which the server events are mapped.
returnedAttributes dyn_int Is not used.