Requirements for the Installation

  • Installed WinCC OA version 3.19.

  • Valid license for the RDB archiving system must be available.

CAUTION: US7ASCII is used by default in Oracle under Linux. Special characters cannot be read and could lead to lost of data. Set the environment variable NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 before starting a project.
Note: After the expiration of the license, the project can be started for another 7 days (emergency period without configuration applications). The RDB manager depends on the emergency period of the Event Manager.
  • SQLite® cannot be used in combination with RDB Archiving.
  • For the supported Oracle versions, see chapter Software requirements.

  • A name and a password of an Oracle user with system database administrator permissions on the Oracle DB computer are necessary for creating a new RDB schema / user.

  • The necessary environment variables must be set for the Oracle server and Oracle client.

  • The Oracle-.Net-Client must be installed on the computers where the RDB archiving is used

  • Following restrictions must be considered:

    • The Oracle Instant Client is not supported!

    • Oracle Dataguard is not supported!

    • Local back-up directories must not be used for RAC Clusters! Only shared directories are supported.

    • Oracle Multitenant is not supported!

Switch from RAIMA database

If you switch from a RAIMA (alert) archiving to RDB archiving, the RAIMA alert history is imported and is still available afterwards and can be used with the Parallel Use of the RAIMA and RDB for the Alert Archiving. See chapter Configuration of Alert Archiving Parallel (RAIMA - RDB).

CAUTION: The value history is not imported!

Switch from HDB

The switch from a historic database to a relational database is possible. After opening the RDB archive manager the first time using the system management, a confirmation dialog is shown. Confirm the dialog in order to convert the existing value archive data points to RDB. Confirm via yes to convert the archives from HDB to RDB. The value archives can be deleted manually. Unless you need the history for the Parallel Use of the HDB - RDB. See chapter Configuration of HDB - RDB Parallel.

CAUTION: The information window to convert the existing value archive data points to RDB is only shown if the config entries useRDBArchive = 1 and defaultArchive = 97 were set. See chapter First-Time Installation.
Note: Internally the RDB manager uses the archive number 97 by default. Note that in the console the RDB manager is started with -num 99.

The Parallel Use of the HDB - RDB

If you want to use the HDB and RDB databases simultaneously, see chapter Configuration of HDB - RDB Parallel.

Parallel Use of the RAIMA and RDB for the Alert Archiving

For the parallel use of the HDB and RDB for the alert archiving, see chapter Configuration of Alert Archiving Parallel (RAIMA - RDB).

When switching from HDB to RDB, the weight configuration of Value Archives (1 to n) has to be adapted to the RDB Manager (99).

Environment Variables

The environment variables have to be set in the operating system's own shell or DOS box (or in the My Computer/System Settings):

Example on a Windows computer

set ORACLE_SID=stddb

set ORACLE_HOME=D:\oracle\product\\db_1


set PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\oci\lib\msvc\vc10;%ORACLE_HOME%\bin;%PATH%set PATH=bin;

... etc.

Example for Linux, C-Shell

setenv ORACLE_BASE /disc/oracle

setenv ORACLE_SID db10g

setenv ORACLE_HOME ${ORACLE_BASE}/product/

setenv PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

Note: For how to set the necessary environment variables, see the end of this chapter Set necessary environment variables for the libraries with ldconfig.

Example for Linux, Bourne-Shell






Note: For how to set the necessary environment variables, see the end of this chapter Set necessary environment variables for the libraries with ldconfig.

If these environment variables have been set in the shell, they have to be re-defined after every reboot of the computer or re-login.

In order to load them automatically these have to be defined

  • under Windows - advanced settings of the computer properties (system variables or user variables) under Windows or in /etc/profile for all users / .profile for a specific user under Linux.

  • under Linux - The environment variables have to be set according to:

csh -> /etc/profile.d/csh.csh

tcsh -> /etc/profile.d/tcsh.csh

bash -> /etc/profile.d/bash.csh

ksh -> /etc/profile.d/ksh.csh

sh -> /etc/profile.d/sh.csh

Set necessary environment variables for the libraries with ldconfig

To specify the library paths correctly follow the steps below:

  • Create a configuration file (e.g: oracle.conf) in the /etc/ directory and add the correct Oracle library directory to it, e.g. /home/luaccwsrp/app/19client/lib
  • Run the command ldconfig to commit your changes: ldconfig