Configs (configure data points)

Configs are specific DPE properties like smoothing, DP function or archiving. The closer determination of these properties takes place via the aid of config attributes.

Every node has as a standard the configs _common and _lock.

The original config is created automatically as soon as a data format is assigned as element type (i.e. for DPEs that are not of element type struct). The original value consists of the value itself + time stamp + status bits.

Table: Default configs for each data point element (with assigned data format)

DP config name WinCC OA description
Original value, online value _original
Data point lock _lock
General DP settings, like e.g description, alias name, format, unit _common

The data point configs listed in the table below can be assigned to the leaves (=DPEs) of the tree. You will find a complete listing under Data point configs and under Reference tables/Data point configs.

Table: Overview of data point configs

WinCC OA description (neutral) DP config name Short description
_address Peripheral address Links a WinCC OA data point variable to the peripheral device. The expression of the peripheral address depends on the driver used.
_alert_class Alert class Configurable properties of the alert ranges of data point variables are summarized in an alert class. There are five predefined alert classes available
_alert_hdl Alert handling You can define alert ranges that are subject to configurable alert handling.
_archive Archiving Settings for archiving, process statuses, data point values, etc.
_auth Authorization Authorization level settings for controlling user permissions and actions.
_cmd_conv Command conversion Algorithms for converting engineering values into raw values
_default Default value Default value handling: if a value is invalid a default value can be set in various ways.
_dp_fct DP function Mathematical functions that are run automatically for recalculating results when values are changed. In addition statistical functions for calculating average, minima, maxima etc.
_msg_conv Message conversion Algorithms for converting alert values from raw into engineering values
_pv_range WinCC OA value range Global value range of a DP variable. A value must always lie inside the WinCC OA value range.
_smooth Smoothing Parameters can be set for various smoothing algorithms (time-based, value-related, edge-dependent, ...). Reduces the communication effort and the amount of data.
_u_range User value range A personal value range can be defined for each user.
CAUTION: It is not possible to insert or remove a config remotely with Para in a distributed project!

Add a config for the DPE position of the data point "valve12".

  1. To do this, open the data point "valve12" and the DPE "position" in the tree view of the PARA module.
  2. Click with right mouse button on position. Select a config from the context menu. (See also figure: Context menu for inserting additional configs).

Sorting the configs

In the tree view of the module PARA, the configs are sorted alphabetically. An exception is the original value at the first position. It has an exceptional position because it is not a pure configuration value, but displays the online value.

For further details on panels and configuration of the PARA panels see the chapter Data point configs.