Configuration of the Function dpGetPeriod

This chapter describes the function dpGetPeriod.

Function type

Select the function type dpGetPeriod after creating and naming a new data set (see chapter data set) and click on Next>.

Figure 1. Select the function type "dpGetPeriod"


Shows the parameters that are available for the configuration. Select the parameters and click on Next>

Figure 2. Parameter Selection

Function Parameters

Parameter Description
startTime The start time of the queried time range
endTime The end time of the queried time range
bonus Number of values that are also displayed before the startTime and after the endTime
dpName The data point element which is queried

Wildcards must not be used for defining the data point element (the dpName parameter).

See the CTRL function dpGetPeriod for further information regarding the function and the parameters.

SOAP Request

Figure 3. The SOAP Request

Click on Edit Parameter to specify values for the parameters:

Figure 4. Edit Parameter

The time is specified in the format: <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>T<hh>:<mm>:<sss>.<msec>, e.g. 2015-05-05T13:00:00.000

Click on the OK button and click on Next>.

See chapter alertGetPeriod for a detailed description of the SOAP request.

SOAP Response

No changes are necessary for this window. Click on Next>

Figure 5. The SOAP response

Row Mapping

Select "table" and click on the > button to select the XPath Expression. The "Select or edit the XPath expression" window is opened. Select the option "XML elements named "table" at any location" and click on the OK button. See chapter alertGetPeriod for a detailed description.

Figure 6. The Row Mapping

Column Mapping

The Column Mapping defines the columns for the table row. The columns are mapped to child elements or attributes within the selected data row element. In contrast to row mapping, you can select several elements. Select an element from the window on the left and click on the > button. The Column mapping window is opened. Select the data type from the combo box as well as the option "XML elements named "<element>" at any location". Click on the OK button.

Figure 7. The Column Mapping

The column mapping contains the attributes:

date (the date when the value was set)

value (the data point value)

You can also return the error code and the error text in addition to the alert attributes. Since these two elements are located on the same level as the /table, you cannot return them in the same data set. Thus, a second identical data set must be created to display the error code and the text.

Error code Description
-1 Datapoint not found
-2 Answergroup error
-3 Error in the RDB Query

The BIRT tool queries dates and time as strings by default. You can, however, change the data type for dates and time in the output columns (see chapter alertGetPeriod)).

Show Sample Data

As mentioned in the chapter alertGetPeriod, you have to specify default values for the parameters in order to use the "Show Sample Data" button. If the default values are set, you can check the settings before completing the configuration.

Figure 8. Sample Data