FAQ - TLS Gateway

Do I need a license for using the TLS Gateway?

Yes, you need the “tls” license.

Does the TLS Gateway run on Linux?

Yes, the TLS Gateway is available for all delivered WinCC OA platforms.

Does the TLS Gateway run only as UZ (Unterzentrale)?

No, the TLS Gateway can also be a KRI (Kommunikationsrechner Inselbus) and sends the information of the SSt (Streckenstation) to an UZ. The TLS Gateway can also be running in monitor mode.

Do I have to import any dplist before I can use the TSL Gateway?

Yes, the dplist file you need to import before you can use the TLS Gateway is located in <WinCC_OA_dir>/TLSGateway_<WinCC_OA_version>/dplist.

What is the difference between the UZ mode and the monitor mode?

If the TLS Gateway runs as monitor, the TLS Gateway only can get the data from the configured KRIs. If the TLS Gateway runs as UZ, the TLS Gateway can also send commands to the configured KRIs.

Where can I find the demo configuration files for the TLS Gateway?

The demo configuration files for the TLS Gateway are located in <WinCC_OA_dir>/TLSGateway_< WinCC_OA_version>/data.

Where should I put my TLS configuration files for defining my data points and TLS devices?

You should put the TLS configuration files in the data/ folder of you WinCC OA project.

Do I have to create all of the _TLS* data points on my own and set the parameters to all DPEs?

No, the TLS Gateway creates all needed _TLS* data points and sets the parameters to each DPE like it is defined in the TLS configuration file.

Can I change the TLS configuration files at runtime?

No, configuration file changes at runtime are not supported. You have to restart your TLS Gateway to get the changed configuration in effect.

My TLS Gateway is configured as an UZ. The KRI is running and the UZ TLS Gateway is running, but I don’t get any data and the LogViewer does not show any data from the UZ TLS Gateway. How can I solve this problem?

Check the _TLS_FG254.UZ.VerbindungAktiv DPE for your configured KRI connection. If the value is FALSE set TRUE to it and the UZ TLS Gateway should connect to the KRI.

How can I see if my FG is active?

You can check the value of the _TLS_FG*.FG_aktiv DPE.