Supported Telegrams

Via ACCON-AGLink from Deltalogic an Industrial Ethernet S7 connection (TCP/IP) is established to each configured Master TIM. From that point, it provides the sending/receiving of SINAUT telegrams.

The WinCC OA SINAUT driver supports the following SINAUT ST7 telegrams:

  • Data Telegrams that are sent to one destination address

  • Data Telegrams that are received from one/none/incomplete destination address

Additionally, organizational telegrams are used for the transaction of organizational system functions. These are:

  • General queries (GQ)

  • Time synchronization

The following input organizational telegrams are supported:

  • ORG4 and ORG6 - organizational telegram with connection indexes for a node object. Thereby the current connection status to a node is shown, i.e. to a node that is from the Master TIM reachable.

  • ORG2 - marks the start and the end of a general query.

  • ORG8 to ORG12 - node status information.

  • ORG14 to ORG22 - Information on the states of the individual connections (for detailed information see Telegrams ORG14 to ORG22) - only if supported by the Master TIM, as of firmware version 4.x

  • ORG282 - a node or Master TIM is requests the time.

The following output organizational telegrams are supported:

  • ORG0 - initiates a general query.

  • ORG2 - switch on /off permanent connection

  • ORG256 - organizational telegram for time synchronization. The WinCC OA SINAUT driver sends the current time (date/time) for synchronizing the CPU clock of the Master TIM. Such a time synchronization can be carried out either periodically or manually.

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Byte 1 0
Word 0
ORG0 - commands / impulse views from TIM x to TIM a General Query (GQ)
ORG2 - commands / impulse views from TIM x to TIM a Data loss GQ end GQ begin TIM start
ORG4 - connection views from TIM x to TIM a 3)


defect of the partner

Searching alternative


Permanent connection state 2) State of the dial-in 1) Permanent call enabled Call in the main cycle Call released All connections OK



ORG6 - connection views from TIM x to TIM a 3) Telegram memory space overfilled Image of the send buffer
ORG8 - status views from TIM x to TIM a Telegram memory space overfilled Image of the send buffer



Summertime Clock time valid
ORG10 - status views from TIM x to TIM a



ORG12 - status views from TIM x to TIM a

1) Dial-in state:

  • 0 = no connection

  • 1 = outgoing call activated

  • 2 = incoming call active

  • 3 = outgoing call active

2) Permanent connection state:

  • 0 = no permanent connection

  • 1 = permanent connection registered

  • 2 = permanent connection active

  • 3 = permanent connection checked out

3) The connection indices 4 and 6 are processed by the local TIM.

Telegrams ORG14 to ORG22

Each of the organizational telegrams ORG14 to ORG22 has a length of 2 bytes and thus they are able to indicate the states of up to 5 connections. For all TIM firmware versions 4.x and the Ethernet TIMs the ORG index 14 is requested by sending an ORG2 with set bit 2^4 (0x0010) in the org-info-word to the TIM before the general query is executed.

The organizational telegram 14 of the TIM 3V-IE has the index entries 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22.

The index entries 14 and 16 (already defined in the TIM firmware version 4.x) remain unchanged for the internal and external WAN interface (serial interface).

The index entries 18 and 22 for the Ethernet interface of the TIM and 20 for the MPI interface of the TIM are simply appended to the clear data.

Bit Meaning

= 0: TIM is not available

= 1: TIM is available


= 0: at least one connection disturbed

= 1: all connections OK


= 0: TIM is locked

= 1: TIM is enabled


= 0: Index (connection status) invalid

= 1: Index (connection status) valid


= 0: not current data path

= 1: current data path


= 0: Data break off

= 1: Data break on


= 0: Send buffer not set to image

= 1: Send buffer set to image


= 0: No telegram buffer overflow

= 1: Telegram buffer overflow

8-12 Driver-specific connection state
13-15 free

Currently, the driver-specific connection state is only defined for the dedicated line and the dial-in net and thus is has to be completed for the MPI bus and the Ethernet. The new definition of the driver-specific connection state is represented as follows:

Bit Driver type Meaning
12 11 10 9 8
0 0 0 0 0 Dial-in net Dial-in connection check off; no active connection
0 0 0 0 1 Dial-in net Outgoing call initiated
0 0 0 1 0 Dial-in net Incoming call active
0 0 0 1 1 Dial-in net Outgoing call active
0 0 1 0 0 Dial-in net Permanent connection registered
0 0 1 0 1 Dial-in net Permanent connection registered and outgoing call initiated
0 0 1 1 0 Dial-in net Connection established; permanent connection check out
0 0 1 1 1 Dial-in net Permanent connection active
0 1 0 0 0 Dial-in net Dialing attempts in the background
0 1 0 0 1 Dial-in net Calling numbers list is locked, destroyed
0 1 0 1 0 Spontaneous No state available
0 1 0 1 1 free
0 1 1 0 0 Dedicated line Call in the main cycle without permanent call
0 1 1 0 1 Dedicated line Call in the sub-cycle without permanent call
0 1 1 1 0 Dedicated line Call in the main cycle with permanent call
0 1 1 1 1 Dedicated line Call in the sub-cycle with permanent call
1 0 0 0 0 Ethernet No state available
1 0 0 0 1 MPI bus No state available
1 0 0 1 0 free
.. .. .. .. .. free
1 1 1 1 1 free