Shape types

This chapter describes the shape types that can be converted to XML or from XML to WinCC OA specific format. Since all shapes contain the properties name, fore and back color, tab order, type, RefPoint, ToolTipText and serialId and these were already described in the chapter Structure of the XML file this chapter only describes the specific properties of each shape.

Simple graphic objects:

Complex graphic objects:


Note that the configuration of the shape bar trend cannot be converted to XML, so the bar trend should not be used inside a .xml panel.

Simple graphic objects Primitive text

A primitive text with mouse hover.

<shape shapeType="PRIMITIVE_TEXT" layerId="0" Name="PRIMITIVE_TEXT1">


<prop name="serialId" >0</prop>

&&nbsp; &&lt;prop name="RefPoint" >30 20</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_3DText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_invalid</prop>

<prop name="HoverForeCol" >blue</prop>

<prop name="HoverBackCol" >{255,0,0,76}</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >0</prop>

<prop name="DashBackColor" >_Transparent</prop>

<prop name="LineType" >[solid,oneColor,JoinBevel,CapButt,1]</prop>

<prop name="FillType" >[hatch,[parallel,10,right]]</prop>

<prop name="Location" >30 20</prop>

<prop name="Size" >141 51</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Simple


<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >Simple



<prop name="Distance" >2</prop>

<prop name="BorderOffset" >2</prop>

<prop name="Bordered" >False</prop>

<prop name="Fit" >False</prop>

<prop name="TextFormat" >[0s,,,ALIGNMENT_BEGINNING]</prop>



  • "BorderOffset" defines the distance between the text and the borders.

  • "Bordered" specifies whether the borders are visible or not.

  • "Distance" specifies the line spacing.

  • "Fit". You can adjust the size of the text box to fit the text using the Fit property. If you set Fit to TRUE then the box around the primitive text is resized to fit the text length. If the Fit property is set to FALSE you can set the text box to any size you want using the mouse.

  • "Location" - the start position of the text. Via this the alignment is calculated.


  • "BorderStyle" - defines whether the borders are "normal", "3D", "sunken" or "raised".

<shape shapeType="FRAME" layerId="0" Name="FRAME1">


<prop name="serialId" >1</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >40 123</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_WindowText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >{0,0,0}</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >1</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >3D</prop>

<prop name="DashBackColor" >_Transparent</prop>

<prop name="LineType" >[solid,oneColor,JoinMiter,CapButt,0]</prop>

<prop name="FillType" >[outline]</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Frame Title</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >Frame Title</prop>


<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >40 123</prop>

<prop name="Size" >191 98</prop>




 <shape shapeType="RECTANGLE"
                                                  layerId="0" Name="RECTANGLE1">


<prop name="serialId" >2</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >320 20</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >{0,0,0}</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >{255,255,255}</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >2</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="DashBackColor" >_Transparent</prop>

<prop name="LineType" >[solid,oneColor,JoinBevel,CapButt,1]</prop>

<prop name="FillType" >[solid]</prop>

<prop name="Location" >320 20</prop>

<prop name="Size" >141 111</prop>




<shape shapeType="POLYGON" layerId="0" Name="POLYGON1" >


<prop name="serialId" >3</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >360 170</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >{0,0,0}</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >{255,255,255}</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >3</prop>

<prop name="DashBackColor" >_Transparent</prop>

<prop name="LineType" >[solid,oneColor,JoinBevel,CapButt,1]</prop>

<prop name="FillType" >[solid]</prop>

<prop name="Closed" >True</prop>

<prop name="Points" >

<prop name="Location" >360 170</prop>

<prop name="Location" >300 200</prop>

<prop name="Location" >420 260</prop>

<prop name="Location" >440 190</prop>




  • Geometry - specifies the rotation angle and scale. The value should not be defined in the XML file but using the GEDI due to its complexity.

  • Closed - defines whether the polygon is displayed as a closed shape.

  • Points - defines the location of a connection point between two edges.


The shapes circle, arc and ellipse contain the same settings like the shapes described earlier. In addition, they contain

  • "X-Radius" - horizontal radius.

  • "Y-Radius" - vertical radius.

  • "Center" - the central point.

  • "Closed" - specifies the arc style: "No Chord" (the value of Closed = 0), "Pie" (the value of Closed = 1) or "Chord" (the value of Closed = 2).

  • "Start" and "End" - specify where the arc begins and ends. The values are equivalent to the values left, right, top and bottom in the GEDI.

<shape shapeType="ARC" layerId="0" Name="ARC1" >


<prop name="serialId" >5</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >210 250</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >{0,0,0}</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >{255,255,255}</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >5</prop>

<prop name="DashBackColor" >_Transparent</prop>

<prop name="LineType" >[solid,oneColor,JoinRound,CapButt,1]</prop>

<prop name="FillType" >[solid]</prop>

<prop name="Geometry" >1 0 0 1 -90 100</prop>

<prop name="Center" >210 250</prop>

<prop name="X-Radius" >90</prop>

<prop name="Y-Radius" >90</prop>

<prop name="Start" >120 250</prop>

<prop name="End" >190 230</prop>

<prop name="Closed" >1</prop>




<shape shapeType="ELLIPSE" layerId="0" Name="ELLIPSE1" >


<prop name="serialId" >6</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >370 430</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >{0,0,0}</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >{255,255,255}</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >6</prop>

<prop name="DashBackColor" >_Transparent</prop>

<prop name="LineType" >[solid,oneColor,JoinBevel,CapButt,1]</prop>

<prop name="FillType" >[solid]</prop>

<prop name="Center" >370 430</prop>

<prop name="X-Radius" >80</prop>

<prop name="Y-Radius" >30</prop>




<shape shapeType="ELLIPSE" layerId="0" Name="ELLIPSE2" >


<prop name="serialId" >7</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >100 520</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >{0,0,0}</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >{255,255,255}</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >7</prop>

<prop name="DashBackColor" >_Transparent</prop>

<prop name="LineType" >[solid,oneColor,JoinBevel,CapButt,1]</prop>

<prop name="FillType" >[solid]</prop>

<prop name="Center" >100 520</prop>

<prop name="X-Radius" >40</prop>

<prop name="Y-Radius" >40</prop>




<shape shapeType="PIPE" layerId="0" Name="PIPE1" >


<prop name="serialId" >8</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >230 490</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >{0,0,0}</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >{255,255,255}</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >8</prop>

<prop name="DashBackColor" >_Transparent</prop>

<prop name="LineType" >[solid,oneColor,JoinBevel,CapButt,1]</prop>

<prop name="Points" >

<prop name="Location" >230 490</prop>

<prop name="Location" >360 490</prop>

<prop name="Location" >360 550</prop>

<prop name="Location" >440 550</prop>


<prop name="BeginStyle" >0</prop>

<prop name="EndStyle" >0</prop>

<prop name="Width" >21</prop>



  • BeginStyle and EndStyle define the style of the endings of the pipe: "0" = Open - see figure above

If the styles of the endings are defines as follows:

 <prop name="BeginStyle"

<prop name="EndStyle" >2</prop>

the pipe looks in the panel like this:

I.e. "1" = Closed and "2" = Connector


The shape line contains line specific settings:

  • Hotkey - hot key

  • DashBackColor - dash background color

  • Selectable - defines whether the line is selectable

  • LineType - border [style, multi color selections, join, Cap, bright]

  • Start and End points define the points where the line begins and ends. See chapter properties of graphics objects (normal tab) for more information.

<shape shapeType="LINE" layerId="0"
                                                  Name="LINE1" >


<prop name="serialId" >9</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >140 610</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >{0,0,0}</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >{255,255,255}</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >9</prop>

<prop name="DashBackColor" >_Transparent</prop>

<prop name="LineType" >[solid,oneColor,JoinBevel,CapButt,1]</prop>

<prop name="Start" >140 610</prop>

<prop name="End" >230 560</prop>



Complex graphic objects Selection list

<shape shapeType="SELECTION_LIST" layerId="0" Name="SELECTION_LIST1" >


<prop name="serialId" >0</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >20 20</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_WindowText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_Window</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >0</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >20 20</prop>

<prop name="Size" >111 101</prop>

<prop name="Listitems" >

<prop name="Item" >

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Engine</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >???</prop>


<prop name="Select" >False</prop>


<prop name="Item" >

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Pump</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >???</prop>


<prop name="Select" >False</prop>


<prop name="Item" >

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Flow rate</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >???</prop>


<prop name="Select" >False</prop>





The check button, radio button, combo box and selection list contain two new properties.

  • Listitems - list items. The items can be chosen by selecting a check box, radio button, a combo box option or list option. The items are shown in each language (if defined) in case of multilingual project.

  • Select - specifies whether the item is selected.


<shape shapeType="COMBO_BOX" layerId="0" Name="COMBO_BOX1" >


<prop name="serialId" >1</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >160 20</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_WindowText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_Window</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >1</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >160 20</prop>

<prop name="Size" >131 21</prop>

<prop name="Listitems" >

<prop name="Item" >

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >200 r.p.m</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >???</prop>


<prop name="Select" >False</prop>


<prop name="Item" >

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >300 r.p.m</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >???</prop>


<prop name="Select" >False</prop>


<prop name="Item" >

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >400 r.p.m</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >???</prop>


<prop name="Select" >False</prop>



<prop name="Editable" >True</prop>




<shape shapeType="CHECK_BOX" layerId="0" Name="CHECK_BOX1" >


<prop name="serialId" >2</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >160 60</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_3DText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_3DFace</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >2</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >160 60</prop>

<prop name="Size" >121 81</prop>

<prop name="Listitems" >

<prop name="Item" >

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Pump 1</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >???</prop>


<prop name="Select" >False</prop>


<prop name="Item" >

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Pump 2</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >???</prop>


<prop name="Select" >False</prop>


<prop name="Item" >

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Pump 3</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >???</prop>


<prop name="Select" >False</prop>






<shape shapeType="DP_TREE" layerId="0" Name="DP_TREE1" >


<prop name="serialId" >3</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >330 20</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_WindowText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_Window</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >3</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >330 20</prop>

<prop name="Size" >171 141</prop>




<shape shapeType="DPTYPE" layerId="0" Name="DPTYPE1" >


<prop name="serialId" >4</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >320 20</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_WindowText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_Window</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >4</prop>

<prop name="AcceptDrops" >True</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >320 20</prop>

<prop name="Size" >181 141</prop>


<prop type="BOOL" name="showSortIndicator" >True</prop>

<prop type="BOOL" name="showDatatypes" >True</prop>

<prop type="CHAR_STRING" name="dpTypeName" >Analog1</prop>




Embedded Module

<shape shapeType="EMBEDDED_MODULE" layerId="0" Name="EMBEDDED_MODULE1" >


<prop name="serialId" >5</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >10 200</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_WindowText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_Window</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >5</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >10 200</prop>

<prop name="Size" >171 121</prop>


<prop type="CHAR_STRING" name="whatsThis" >This is an embedded module.</prop>

<prop type="ENUM" name="frameShape" >3</prop>




<script name="Initialize" ><![CDATA[main(bool enter)


this.ModuleName = "TestModule";







<shape shapeType="GENERIC" layerId="0" Name="Calendar1" >


<prop name="serialId" >6</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >200 200</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_3DText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_3DFace</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >6</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >200 200</prop>

<prop name="Size" >241 181</prop>

<prop name="ObjectType" >Calendar</prop>




<shape shapeType="CASCADE_BUTTON" layerId="0" Name="CASCADE_BUTTON1" >


<prop name="serialId" >7</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >470 200</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_ButtonText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_Button</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >7</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >470 200</prop>

<prop name="Size" >121 24</prop>

<prop name="PopupMenu" >

<prop name="PopupItem" >

<prop name="PopupItemId" >3</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Engine</prop>


<prop name="PopupMenu" >

<prop name="PopupItem" >

<prop name="PopupItemId" >4</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >rpm</prop>


<prop name="PopupMenu" >

<prop name="PopupItem" >

<prop name="PopupItemId" >17</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >reduce</prop>



<prop name="PopupItem" >

<prop name="PopupItemId" >8</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >increase</prop>



<prop name="PopupItem" >

<prop name="PopupItemId" >9</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >default</prop>





<prop name="PopupItem" >

<prop name="PopupItemId" >10</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >direction</prop>


<prop name="PopupMenu" >

<prop name="PopupItem" >

<prop name="PopupItemId" >11</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Item 11</prop>



<prop name="PopupItem" >

<prop name="PopupItemId" >14</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Item 14</prop>





<prop name="PopupItem" >

<prop name="PopupItemId" >12</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >on/off</prop>


<prop name="PopupMenu" >

<prop name="PopupItem" >

<prop name="PopupItemId" >15</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Item 15</prop>





<prop name="PopupItem" >

<prop name="PopupItemId" >13</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >gear</prop>


<prop name="PopupMenu" >

<prop name="PopupItem" >

<prop name="PopupItemId" >16</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Item 16</prop>







<prop name="PopupItem" >

<prop name="PopupItemId" >6</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Controller</prop>






LCD number

<shape shapeType="LCD" layerId="0" Name="LCD1" >


<prop name="serialId" >8</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >620 200</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_3DText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_3DFace</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >8</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >620 200</prop>

<prop name="Size" >101 141</prop>


<prop type="INT" name="intValue" >8</prop>




Progress Bar

<shape shapeType="PROGRESS_BAR" layerId="0" Name="PROGRESS_BAR1" >


<prop name="serialId" >9</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >20 410</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_3DText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_3DFace</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >9</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >20 410</prop>

<prop name="Size" >231 21</prop>


<prop type="ENUM" name="frameShape" >1</prop>




<script name="Initialize" ><![CDATA[main()







<shape shapeType="RADIO_BOX" layerId="0" Name="RADIO_BOX1" >


<prop name="serialId" >10</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >300 410</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_3DText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_3DFace</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >10</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >300 410</prop>

<prop name="Size" >91 61</prop>

<prop name="Listitems" >

<prop name="Item" >

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Manual</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >???</prop>


<prop name="Select" >True</prop>


<prop name="Item" >

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Automatic</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >???</prop>


<prop name="Select" >False</prop>


<prop name="Item" >

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Off</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >???</prop>


<prop name="Select" >False</prop>






<shape shapeType="PUSH_BUTTON" layerId="0" Name="PUSH_BUTTON1" >


<prop name="serialId" >11</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >420 410</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_ButtonText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_Button</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >11</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >420 410</prop>

<prop name="Size" >111 51</prop>

<prop name="Text" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Open</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >PUSH_BUTTON1</prop>





<shape shapeType="TAB" layerId="0" Name="TAB1" >


<prop name="serialId" >12</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >490 200</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_3DText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_3DFace</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >12</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >490 200</prop>

<prop name="Size" >261 301</prop>

<prop name="Page" >

<prop name="Name" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Label" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >#1</prop>


<prop name="Panel" >vision/aes/AESDistInfo.pnl</prop>


<prop name="Page" >

<prop name="Name" >Extended</prop>

<prop name="Label" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Extended</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >Normal</prop>


<prop name="Panel" >lcd.pnl</prop>





<shape shapeType="SLIDER" layerId="0" Name="SLIDER1" >


<prop name="serialId" >13</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >40 470</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_3DText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_3DFace</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >13</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >40 470</prop>

<prop name="Size" >21 161</prop>


<prop type="ENUM" name="tickPosition" >3</prop>




Spin Button

Spin buttons are provided to enable selection of just one option from a sequence of pre-defined alternatives arranged in a logical order. In addition to the properties described earlier the spin button contains the

  • MinimumID- minimum possible value of the spin button (minimum = 0).

  • MaximumID - maximum possible value of the spin button (maximum = 1000).

  • IncrAccelerator - step increment of the spin button (integer between 1 and 1000).

  • Position - the first number in the spin button.

<shape shapeType="SPIN_BUTTON" layerId="0" Name="SPIN_BUTTON1" >


<prop name="serialId" >14</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >120 490</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_WindowText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_Window</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >14</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >120 490</prop>

<prop name="Size" >51 31</prop>

<prop name="MinimumID" >0</prop>

<prop name="MaximumID" >100</prop>

<prop name="IncrAccelerator" >1</prop>

<prop name="Position" >0</prop>




 <shape shapeType="TABLE"
                                                  layerId="0" Name="TABLE1" >


 <prop name="serialId"
 <prop name="RefPoint" >210
 <prop name="Enable"
 <prop name="Visible"
 <prop name="ForeColor"
 <prop name="BackColor"
 <prop name="TabOrder"
 <prop name="BorderStyle"
 <prop name="Font" >
 <prop name="de_AT.iso88591"
MS Shell Dlg
 <prop name="en_US.iso88591"
MS Shell Dlg


 <prop name="Location" >210
 <prop name="Size" >131
 <prop name="ShowColumnHeader"
 <prop name="ShowRowHeader"
 <prop name="SortOnClick"
 <prop name="RowHeight"
 <prop name="RowHeaderWidth"
 <prop name="GridType"
 <prop name="VScrollBarMode"
 <prop name="HScrollBarMode"
 <prop name="Column"
 <prop name="Name"
 <prop name="Width"
 <prop name="Visible"
 <prop name="Editable"
 <prop name="Label" >
 <prop name="de_AT.iso88591"
 <prop name="en_US.iso88591"


 <prop name="ColumnFormat"


 <prop name="Column"
 <prop name="Name"
 <prop name="Width"
 <prop name="Visible"
 <prop name="Editable"
 <prop name="Label" >
 <prop name="de_AT.iso88591"
 <prop name="en_US.iso88591"


 <prop name="ColumnFormat"




Text field

The text and the text field contain the properties:

  • Editable - defines whether editing of the text is possible

  • TextFormat - the parameters define the text format in the following order: [length + data type, empty if zero?, leading zeros?, alignment, exponential?]

<shape shapeType="TEXT_FIELD" layerId="0" Name="TEXT_FIELD1" >


<prop name="serialId" >16</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >370 520</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_WindowText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_Window</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >16</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >370 520</prop>

<prop name="Size" >151 21</prop>

<prop name="Editable" >True</prop>

<prop name="TextFormat" >[0s,,,ALIGNMENT_BEGINNING]</prop>



Multiline text

<shape shapeType="TEXT_EDIT" layerId="0" Name="TEXT_EDIT1" >


<prop name="serialId" >17</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >550 530</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_WindowText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_Window</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >17</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >550 530</prop>

<prop name="Size" >191 61</prop>



Thumb Wheel

<shape shapeType="THUMB_WHEEL" layerId="0" Name="THUMB_WHEEL1" >


<prop name="serialId" >18</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >20 660</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_3DText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_3DFace</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >18</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >20 660</prop>

<prop name="Size" >101 51</prop>




<shape shapeType="TREND" layerId="0" Name="TREND1" >


<prop name="serialId" >19</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >160 610</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_WindowText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_Window</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >19</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >160 610</prop>

<prop name="Size" >201 131</prop>

<prop name="TimeTrend" >True</prop>

<prop name="Logarithmic" >False</prop>

<prop name="ShowToolBox" >True</prop>

<prop name="ShowLegend" >True</prop>

<prop name="Vertical" >False</prop>

<prop name="ShowGrid" >False</prop>

<prop name="ShowBackgroundGrid" >True</prop>

<prop name="TimeRange" >7200</prop>

<prop name="ScrollPercent" >90</prop>

<prop name="LegendFont" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="ScaleFont" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="TrendArea" >

<prop type="ValueOverTime" name="TrendCurve" >

<prop name="Name" >#1_1</prop>

<prop name="DataSource" >dist_2:ExampleDP_Arg1.</prop>

<prop name="PointType" >0</prop>

<prop name="Type" >2</prop>

<prop name="Filled" >0</prop>

<prop name="RefValue" >0</prop>

<prop name="LegendShowDate" >False</prop>

<prop name="LegendShowMilli" >False</prop>

<prop name="LegendName" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >dist_2:ExampleDP_Arg1.</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" >dist_2:ExampleDP_Arg1.</prop>


<prop name="VisibleInLegend" >True</prop>

<prop name="AutoScale" >True</prop>

<prop name="Min" >0</prop>

<prop name="Max" >100</prop>

<prop name="LineType" >[solid,oneColor,JoinMiter,CapButt,0]</prop>

<prop name="Color" >Red</prop>

<prop name="GridVisible" >False</prop>

<prop name="GridAboveCount" >0</prop>

<prop name="GridBelowCount" >0</prop>

<prop name="GridAboveDistance" >0</prop>

<prop name="GridBelowDistance" >0</prop>

<prop name="GridRefValue" >0</prop>


<prop name="Format1" >%g</prop>

<prop name="Format2" >%x</prop>

<prop name="AutoFormat" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="Position" >Left</prop>



<prop name="TimeScaleOneLine" >True</prop>

<prop name="TimeScale" >

<prop name="Format1" >%H:%M:%S</prop>

<prop name="Format2" >%x</prop>

<prop name="AutoFormat" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="Position" >Bottom</prop>





Tree Widget

<shape shapeType="TREE" layerId="0" Name="TREE1" >


<prop name="serialId" >20</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >370 610</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_WindowText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_Window</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >20</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >370 610</prop>

<prop name="Size" >241 101</prop>



<script name="Initialize" ><![CDATA[main()


//Add three columns





//Add the first item


//Add the second item






<shape shapeType="CLOCK" layerId="0" Name="CLOCK1" >


<prop name="serialId" >21</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >720 630</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_WindowText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_Window</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >21</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >3D</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >720 630</prop>

<prop name="Size" >101 31</prop>

<prop name="Digital" >True</prop>

<prop name="ShowDate" >True</prop>

<prop name="ShowTime" >True</prop>

<prop name="SingleLine" >False</prop>

<prop name="TimeFirst" >True</prop>

<prop name="DateFormat" >%x</prop>

<prop name="TimeFormat" >%X</prop>

<prop name="DateFont" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="TimeFont" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>




Zoom Navigator

<shape shapeType="ZOOM_NAVIGATOR" layerId="0" Name="z" >


<prop name="serialId" >0</prop>

<prop name="RefPoint" >0 10</prop>

<prop name="Enable" >True</prop>

<prop name="Visible" >True</prop>

<prop name="ForeColor" >_3DText</prop>

<prop name="BackColor" >_3DFace</prop>

<prop name="TabOrder" >0</prop>

<prop name="BorderStyle" >Normal</prop>

<prop name="Font" >

<prop name="de_AT.iso88591" >Arial,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>

<prop name="en_US.iso88591" > MS Shell Dlg 2,-1,11,5,50,0,0,0,0,0</prop>


<prop name="Location" >0 10</prop>

<prop name="Size" >481 261</prop>


<prop type="CHAR_STRING" name="ModuleName" >_SysMgm_</prop>


