Common Connection State

The display of the connection status of different drivers has not been unified for historical reasons. Some drivers use only boolean connection status values, others again unsigned or integer datapoint elements with different meanings of the values.

Due to the different connection states, the business logic to check whether a driver is connected or not, had to be analyzed and implemented per driver type. If a new driver was added, the logic had to be extended. This created additional overhead in the business logic, since the different drivers not only signal their connections states on different internal datapoint elements of their respective internal connection datapoint types, but also with different values.

In addition to the driver-specific states, there is now a common driver status for all drivers. The status is represented by a datapoint element: Common.State.ConnState. This status has the same meaning for all drivers. The driver-specific states remain individual for all drivers. The existing driver-specific elements have not been changed.
Note: The connection state is evaluated by the driver itself. Hence, the state is not updated correctly if the corresponding driver is not running.
Note: There are two CTRL functions available in the CTRL library: classes/drv/DriverCommon.ctl: isConnectedState() and getOverallConnState() . These simplify the evaluation of the Common ConnState.

The Common.State does not exist for the following drivers:

Common.State.ConnState Value Description

Number Description
-1 Not Initialized
0 Undefined
1 Not Connected
2 Connecting
3 Not Active
4 Disconnecting
5 Failure
9 WaitForReconnect
256 Connected = 256
257 Connected First Device First Connection is the active one
258 Connected First Device Second Connection is the active one
259 Connected Second Device First Connection is the active one
260 Connected Second Device Second Connection is the active one
261 General Query is running
262 Info Query is running
Note: All values below 256 are 'not connected' states and all values equal to or above 256 are connected states. The currently undefined status values are reserved for future use. A driver does not have to use all status values, but if a value is used, it has the defined meaning.