Change log of version

Upgrade information from installations earlier then

Based on the project experiences over the last decade, the internal runtime database of vimaccOA (named “vimacc Config”) has been general re-engineered for better runtime performance and system stability – also results in an overall improvement of the redundancy features of vimaccOA.

Reworking the IPC protocols of the “vimacc Config” harms, first time ever, the compatible with earlier versions of vimaccOA - NOT the compatible with any version of WinCC OA. Cause of this any upgrade of distributed vimaccOA installations, from versions earlier then, needs additional plannings to keep operations without any general downtime. Please contact the WinCC OA VIDEO experts you trust for further information and support (keyword “vimacc ConfigNG”).

Additional information regarding feature “Stream cloning”

The feature of “Stream cloning” (introduced in needs an update of the internal feature lists in vimaccOA. Please contact support for further guidance for activation of this feature.

New Features (compared to

  • none

Changelog (compared to

  • Fixing memory leak in stream decryption, resulting in high memory usage over time (mostly seen by often changing stream connections, like using sequences).
  • Deactivating any ffmpeg messages to stdout, stderr (which are flooding PVSS logs).
  • Update of QT libraries to 5.15.12, issued by memory leaks in the event handling of the framework, effecting mostly AccVimaccInterface.
  • o Fixing memory leak in stream decryption, resulting in high memory usage over time (mostly seen by often changing stream connections, like using sequences) in AccVimaccWorkstation and AccVimaccDisplay.