Table type tab
Figure: "Table type" tab
The following buttons and labels are displayed on this panel:
Table types
This combo box displays all defined table types. The predefined table type StandardHistory can neither be deleted nor changed. The name of a table type is composed with the words "DBL_" + "Type name". (see also User-defined tables)
This area of the panel displays details of a selected table type. On the left side you can see the field names (column names) of the table type and on the right side you will see further information like source, field type, field length and index of a column by selecting any field name.
Defines a new table type and makes this type available for the DBLogger. (see also Clicking on the "New" button)
Deletes a defined table type. Only those FlexTables table types that are not used in any DB can be deleted.
Copies a selected table type with all settings and inserts these settings in a new table type.
Link to the Online Help.
Clicking on the "New" button
Figure: Panel for creating a new table type
The input field above sets the name of the table type. The field names (column names) are specified with the input field below. Use the following buttons for configuring a new table type:
Adopts the inputs for a field
name to the selection list below a selected entry.
Adopts the inputs for a field
name to the selection list above a selected entry.
Adopts changes made to a
selected field name.
Deletes a selected field name
with all settings from the table type.
Column names of a table, that are reserved words in the DB, must not be used!
On completion of defining the fields, configure the details (Source and Field type) on the right side of the panel. The source refers to a data point element in WinCC OA whereat the value respectively the name / text is saved in the current field. The combo box below allows a selection of the field type (possible options: String, Date, Double, Long). On selecting DPE name / text the field type String is displayed and the combo box is grayed out automatically. The check box Indexed causes an internal numbering (Index) of all records in a table column in a database. This numbering is usually not directly accessible, and is used for sorting. It reduces the time required for certain queries.
By selecting of a DPE via data point selector note that only the use of _online and _alert_hdl config is allowed for the data model "FlexTables".
The OK button saves all settings for a table type, Cancel causes a closing of the panel without saving intended changes.
The table is created immediately in the database and in WinCC OA after clicking on "OK". You can make no further changes to the table parameters. The only way in which they can be changed is to delete the table and then re-create it.