
SNMP - Redundant Connection Data Point

The behavior of the SNMP driver in redundant systems has been changed. Previously, the SNMP driver did not use "<DP>_2" data points for connection data points. This meant that the SNMP driver could not provide separate status information for an agent connection in a redundant system. Previously, only the active driver set the status. This has now been changed in 3.20. In a redundant project the corresponding "<DP>_2" DPs for the types _SNMPAgent and _SNMPV3Entity will be created by default. Please note this if you use status information from these DPs in your project.

As an alternative, you can use the configuration entry useReduPostfix. It can be used to set the old behavior. Use this config entry only if it is really necessary, as in this case the fwdDpType config.redu entries, which refer to the data point types mentioned above, must be removed in order to achieve the old behavior.

TIA Symbolic

The S7 TIA symbolic is no longer supported. Instead use the new S7Plus driver for communication with S7-1200 and S7-1500 devices. Old version projects with TIA connections configured for the S7 driver can be migrated to the S7Plus driver with the S7 TIA Symbolic Migration panel.

_S7Config / _S7Conn DPE Changes

Following DPEs were removed from the _S7Config DP:
  • IPAddress
  • Rack
  • Slot
  • Timeout
  • ConnectionType
  • TSPPExtras
  • ProtocolExtras
Following DPEs were removed from the _S7Conn DP:
  • DevNr
  • ReduConn.DevNr
  • ReduCP.DevNr
  • ReduCP.ReduConn.DevNr
Following new DPEs were added to the _S7Conn DP:
  • Address
  • ReduConn.Address
  • ReduCP.Address
  • ReduCP.ReduConn.Address

These new DPEs contain the IPAddress, Rack, Slot, Timeout, ConnectionType, TSPPExtras, ProtocolExtras parameters encoded as JSON string for each S7 connection.

They replace the formerly used DPEs of the DPs _S7Config and _S7Conn.