Release Notes Version 3.20
All the new features and changes in WinCC OA V3.20.
License Improvements
Streamlining for easier ordering and license handling.

WinCC OA "Feel Good" Packages
- Unlimited User Interface clients.
- Unlimited I/Os.
- Connectivity included: S7, OPC UA Client.
- Historian included: PostgreSQL® Database.
Make connectivity flexible and easy
- Simply order the number of different protocols you want to use.
- Activate the specific protocols you really need.
- Change protocols for free.
- Instead of 21 individual order numbers only 2 order numbers you need to know:
More value for the same price
License options now included for free:
Simplify User Interface licenses
- No differentiation between Web and UI Clients & Dashboard.
- Use the UI type which fits best.
- Only 2 UI order numbers (UI Client/UI Light).
- New differentiation in mobile or fixed.
- New cheaper license for "View Only".
Streamlined UI Options
- License options come in package sizes:
- 1
- 10
- 25
- Unlimited

1 .. Dashboard RW sums up any command functionality with write direction e.g., like the ULC UX widget.
Dashboard RO provides read-only access to data (“Standard Dashboard”).
Streamlining Of Drivers
Server Base
Included Protocols:
- S7
- S7+ (8 Connections)
- OPC Classic Client
- OPC Classic Server
- OPC UA Client
Separate to-order licenses:

* .. Unlimited instances of 1 type of protocol can be used.

The Network- and Information Security is an EU regulation which must be converted to national regulations latest 17.10.2024 in all EU member states.
This will affect Mid-size and large companies in sectors: Energy, Traffic, Banking, Government, Finance, Healthcare, Water & Wastewater, Digital Infrastructure, Information & Communication as well as Waste Management, Chemistry, Food Industry and Research.
WinCC OA meets all the technical requirements relevant for complying with the NIS 2 directive!
The NIS 2 directive is primarily aimed at operators of essential and important services and digital service providers.
This means that WinCC OA is designed to provide the security and reliability you need to protect your network and information systems.
CRA – Cyber Resilience Act
The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) aims to safeguard consumers and businesses buying or using products or software with a digital component. It introduces mandatory cybersecurity requirements for manufacturers and retailers of such products, with this protection extending throughout the product life cycle.
This will affect manufacturers and retailers of products with digital components.
The CRA will guarantee
- Harmonised rules based on IEC 62443-4-2
- A framework of cybersecurity
- An obligation to provide duty of care for the entire life cycle of such products
For IEC 62443-4-2 we fulfil SL2 to 100%.1 While WinCC OA already had high rankings in all SL parts (up to 90% even on SL4), with V3.20 this has been further enhanced.
This makes WinCC OA already the perfect and future-proven choice for upcoming Cyber Resilience Act changes for critical infrastructure operators.
OpenSSL 3.0
Increased security for data transfer due to support of OpenSSL® 3.x.
Enhanced auditing functionality
More security relevant information can now be traced in the Auditable Events feature and forwarded to the operating system system log.
1... Re-certification in progress
Cloud & Web Ready
Manager For Node.js
Harness the power of modern scripting languages.

Providing a new WinCC OA Javascript Manager for Node.js enables you to use JavaScript/TypeScript to implement your own business logic.
Interface To WinCC OA Data
Provides native interface to WinCC OA data with a variety of functions for bi-directional communication.
The function range will continuously be enhanced with future updates for V3.20.
The Node.js Ecosystem
The entire Node.js ecosystem with ~2 million existing libraries from ~17 million developers can be used.
Use Proven Standard Tools
Choose freely from the vast number of available tools for Node.js/JS – e.g., Debugger, Profiler, etc.
Cloud Ready
Increased cloud awareness.

- Product support to use WinCC OA in AWS® & Azure®.
- Detailed description on how data can be transferred from WinCC OA via the MQTT publisher to AWS® & Azure® is available in our online documentation.
- Easier use of WinCC OA in Kubernetes®1 .
- Central logging with a newly created Prometheus Interface for easier monitoring.
- Support of managed services, e.g. managed PostgreSQL® database as remote service for NGA (see chapters PostgreSQL® Encrypted Communication and Using a Remote Backend with Encryption), which results in excellent performance (but mind the extra costs for the e.g. AWS service itself).
- Container support has already been introduced with WinCC OA V3.18.
1... Please note: Detailed description of supported configuration will be provided later
Web Ready
Further Improvement for Web Visualization.

Various New Widgets For The Dashboard:
- iFrame
- Easy integration of external web resources.
- Sankey
- Intuitive representation for immediate insights.
- Pie Chart
- Visually appealing for easy comparison of proportional data.
- HTML Widget
- A new widget allows access to the underlying OARxJS-API, extending the Dashboard to unlimited flexibility. You can now include your own web-application with full access to the WinCC OA data model.
- Access to internal data points
- The data selector can now select internal data points when the “_” is used as prefix.
Provides HTML5 Dashboard with extended functionality.
Next Generation Archiver - General Improvements
Faster and more flexible archiving.

- A local PostgreSQL® database installation can now be done automatically. This is also the recommended backend type to be used. It will be set as new default during project creation. This will save valuable configuration time. Of course, any other archiving option (including RDB Oracle®) can still be used for new projects as well.
- No additional WinCC OA license costs if backend and database are running on the same WinCC OA server (1 local instance, independent from the database type).
- Disaster Recovery System for maximized system availability is supported for NGA PostgreSQL® as well (previously only available for RDB Oracle®archiving).
- Improved read performance for PostgreSQL® backend through optimized indexing.
- AMS/APM Solution packages will be available for PostgreSQL® with a later update for 3.20.
Next Generation Archiver Importer
Importer for switching projects to the Next Generation Archiver
- The NGA Importer provides the possibility to convert the complete configuration of an existing RAIMA/Value Archive (HDB) project to SQLite®/NGA.
- Import existing historical data into NGA projects.
- All historical values and alarms can be imported.
- Import data even during normal operation due to automatic importer speed threshold.
- Newest values are imported first.
Note: SQLite® for last value and data model storage is only available in combination with NGA.
- Switching to NGA – as future-proven archiving option - was never easier.
- No extra costs, as operation does not have to be stopped and importing can run automatically in the background.
Enhanced Feature Range Of Drivers

Associated values
(alarms & events) can now be written/processed within WinCC OA.
- Choose flexibly which ones you want to use.
- Support of JSON/Structures make it ideal for IT/OT convergence.
- Detailed description of how to exchange data with WinCC Unified based on OPC UA.
- The OPC UA Server provides access to historical alarms and events (HA).
S7 PLC Discovery
- Discover every new S7 device in your network and establish a driver connection to it more quickly.
- Only available on Linux platforms.
- Upgrade from Operator Workstation(OWS) to Advanced Workstation (AWS) Profile.
- BACnet/SC for secure connections
- Both features are certified by BACnet International.
Enhanced Driver Diagnostics
- Address syntax and availability check for faster problem detection resulting in reduced engineering efforts.
- New diagnostic screen is also included in address configuration.
- See chapter Driver Diagnostic.
- Redundant connections to a PLC are now supported.
WinCC OA Is Still Getting Faster!

DP Functions/Hotlinks
- Improved performance for message handling in the central Event Manager for messages generated by the calculation of datapoint functions.
- This leads to a massive increase in performance when a lot of datapoint functions are triggered at the same time (peak situations).
- Please keep in mind that a high number of data point functions may have an immediate impact on overall system performance.
Mapping Of Alert Text Information
- In case of an inactive alert handling, the alert text information is mapped to the attribute "_original.._text" if the value is inside of an alert range. This mapping is now deactivated by default to increase the performance in Event Manager by about 20%.
- If necessary for the compatibility of your specific business logic, the previous functionality can be activated again, see Handling of deactivated _alert_hdl Configurations.
Enhanced SVG Support
Increases flexibility for SVG images.
- SVG graphics can now be colored per individual element.
- Fillable Primitive Shapes have a new attribute fillSvgElement.
- The elements inside the SVG use the given fill-string and the given color for this fill type.
- Color schemes, active icon schemes and even blinking colors are supported.
- An SVG selector in the CTRL Script Editor helps identifying the individual elements.
SVGs make – along the Layout Management feature – adapting to different screen resolutions very easy. Now the engineering to show alarms on different parts of a graphical symbol is easier than ever before.
Debugger 2.0
Faster and more convenient debugging.
- Works now for object-oriented CTRL++ scripts too.
- Numerous usability enhancements.
- Breakpoints can be stored now.
- All loaded scripts available.
- Easier access to variables.
- Threads overview for easier comprehension of workflows.
- Support of all data types (even including $-parameters).
- Missing features like step in/out are now available.
- Option to automatically break new threads on startup.
- Modules are now dock-able, arranging them to specific needs is possible .
- Give the new CTRL Debugger a try!
- With numerous usability and feature enhancements it will now really save valuable time to identify and fix errors in CTRL code.
Translator 2.0
Faster engineering for Multi-language projects.
- This new feature is 100% compatible with any of your existing panels or message catalogues (which can still be used).
- Streamlines any multilingual project and drastically reduce translation efforts.
- A source language can be defined per (sub)project level.
- Only one XML translation file per language.
- With its common standard format, the file is ideal to be used and integrated in the workflow of professional translation service providers.
- Qt Linguist tool finds all instances in panels and scripts, which allows for easier and faster translations.
- Usage of the translated texts happens automatically during runtime.
- Specific configuration is always possible, maintaining full flexibility to handle a situation where similar words are used within a different context.
AI Enhanced Documentation
Save time and money with fast and comprehensive AI generated answers.
- WinCC OA online documentation is available for 3.18, 3.19 and 3.20, in English and German.
- Address:
- Newly integrated WinCC OA Assistant powered by OpenAI's own ChatGPT.
- Full access to over 6000(!) help pages.
- Find the right answers to your most urgent questions in the shortest possible time.
Use Plant Models In Queries
Common Name Service can now also be used in queries.

- The already existing Plant Model is used for different views on the WinCC OA data model. It adds flexibility and data comprehension capabilities.
- It can now also be used in queries for alarms and values.
- We will continue to enhance the rang´e of functions supporting CNS in upcoming WinCC OA versions.
- Example:
dpQuery SELECT ‘.motor.kpi:_original.._value' FROM 'System1.Plant4:Line1:' WHERE _DPT = “Packaging“
Multi-instance Online Backup
Allows several instances of online backup.
- Ring buffering for the Online Backup feature.
- Available for HDB(Value Archives), RAIMA and new SQLite database.
Note: Backups for the NGA databases must be performed in an individual manner.
- Definable number of backup instances enables a balance between resilience and storage space.
- In case of an error, one no longer has to worry about the backup becoming corrupted, as an older, still working instance of the same backup can be restored.
CTRL Scripting Improvements
Wider range of development actions now possible.
Abstract functions
Class member functions can be made abstract
by using declarations such as int func() = 0;
"final" Specifier
Specifies that a class member function cannot be overridden in a derived class or that a class cannot be derived from.
"override" Specifier
Specifies that a class member function is overriding a function from a base class.
YAML file support
Use new functions yamlEncode() and yamlDecode() to read from and write to YAML format files.
Encode and Decode Functions
- The function urlEncode() encodes a string into a percent-encoded string to be used within a URL.
- The function urlDecode() decodes a percent-encoded URL into a regular string.
New Mapping Methods
Displaying vertically a reference as table header
A reference used in a table header can be displayed vertically - see chapter addSymbol() and addSymbol() - Example for vertical Alignment of a Table Column.
New table properties
DragEnter Event for Tree Widget
- The event DragEnter is available for the Tree widget. The DragEnter event is called when a dragged object is moved and released over a tree cell. See chapter DragEnter.
C++ - Pure Virtual Methods
CTRL++ provides the possibility to define pure virtual methods in a base class. See chapter Virtual Methods.
New Font Functions
New font functions can be used to edit fonts. For more information see chapters:
New Functions to set debug flags
The following new functions are available:
- setReportFlags
- setSndLevel
- setRcvLevel
- getSndLevel
- getRcvLevel
GEDI Enhancements
Small but very useful.

- When scaling any selected objects, holding the CTRL key now keeps the aspect ratio, so no more unwanted stretching occurs. Works also in combination with the snap-to-grid functionality (Shift key).
- Dragging & Dropping a picture from the project tree to a panel now creates a new filled rectangle shape with the default size of the picture.
- A new action "Adjust to Image Default Size" changes all selected "fillable" primitive shapes to the default image size.
- Usability and feature enhancements have been added in the search dialog for faster and easier searching for contents of panels, libraries and scripts.
- In the script editor and the script editor EWO, you can set/delete a bookmark - see chapter Script Editor - Add Bookmarks. You can also use the new functions removeAllBreakpoints(), restoreBookmarks(), restoreSettings() and saveBookmarks().
Usability Enhancements - General
Save time and money with a variety of engineering improvements.

Space Characters
- Space characters are now allowed in installation and project paths.
- A value scaling factor per trend curve can be defined.
- Curves can now fill to the top or to another curve.
Script Editor
Alarm Screen
- Grid colour of the alarm screen table can now be freely edited to better suit your design styles.
- Auto Reload function after connection loss can now be flexible set via config entry.
Table Widget
- Clicked script on editable cells passes the current value to the script.
- Support of multiple selection via touch operation
- Table cells/headers can now show vertically aligned texts.
Config file
Usability Enhancements - Project Tree
Save time & money.

- Files, folders or colors now can be moved or copied within the project tree, even into unlocked sub projects.
- Recursive deletion is now also possible.
- Those operations – if accidentally triggered – may even be interrupted.
- A “protection mode” helps to keep folders type-clean (e.g., allowing pictures only in the pictures folder).
- Pictures are shown directly as preview instead of a generic icon.
Video Add-on
Interesting feature line-up

- Stream Cloning: Only one stream from the camera necessary. This increases performance, as the same video material is re-used (e.g. regular stream recording is used for special alarm recording as well).
- SVG Overlays: Allows you to display layered meta information without altering the video, e.g. updating camera information over existing, situation- and location dependent information or company branding/logos. SVG scripting is also possible (Tiny SVG restriction applies). Additional editor option comes with a later update.
- Privacy Zones: Full color or blurring possible, exclude zones in the video material which fall under special privacy restrictions - Additional editor option comes with a later update.
- PlaybackProxy: Functionality available since 3.19. Primarily used for network segmentation (does not include caching for clients) and easier configuration of firewalls. Also enhances security, as fewer ports must be opened on the client devices. Additional VideoManager support will be added with a later update.
- Layout-dependent Bandwidth Management: Depending on the available stream display size, different stream resolutions can be used. Configuration of stream resolutions must be done in advance (e.g. Low/Middle/High). Automated selection of stream quality is possible. Other stream qualities are paused.
Qt 6.5 LTS

- WinCC OA comes with the newest 6.5 LTS version of Qt
- Due to the QT upgrade, some drawing details have changed. A configuration option is available to restore the legacy behavior:
[ui] compatLegacyPainting = 1 //Default is 0, Set to 1 to activate legacy behavior
This affects:
- Drawing of diagonal lines
- Font rendering
- Fill pattern
Supported Operating Systems, Platforms & Databases

- Windows® 2022 Server
- Windows® 10 LTSC
- Windows® 11
- RHEL®/Oracle Linux® 9
- Industrial OS® 4/Debian® 12
- VMware Cluster (HA) ESXi®
Cloud Connectivity
- Runs on Azure® and AWS®
- InfluxDB® 1.8.10
- MS SQL® Server 2022
- PostgreSQL® V16
- SQLite® 3.45.1 (included)
- Oracle® 19c Server/Oracle® 19c Instant Client
- Qt® 6.5 LTS
- PM Add-ons® V10.3 Update 3 or higher
Please note that all Windows OS types are Enterprise versions. All listed products are registered trademarks of the corresponding companies. For more details, please check the Software Requirements page.
Supported Mobile Systems And Browsers

Supported Operating Systems For Mobile Devices
- iOS® 15 or higher
- Android® 8 or higher
Supported Browsers
- Current versions of Firefox®, Chrome® & MS Edge®. Please see Supported Web browsers.
All listed products are registered trademarks of the corresponding companies.
Discontinuations & Deprecations

- Several functions have been discontinued, e.g.
. See more details in Removed Functions. - The UI startup procedure was streamlined for faster UI startup times, especially on mobile devices.
- ALM (Automation License Manager) can no longer be used.
- Mobile UI Application for Android is no longer available in 32bit variant, please make sure you use the 64bit version.
- Existing translator toolchain has been replaced by the new Translator 2.0 functionality.
- Recipe, Maintenance and Scheduler license options are included in the Server Basic license at no extra costs and do not need to be ordered separately anymore.
- The functions mergeDictionary(), readDictionary(), writeDictionary and translate() have been discontinued.
- Video OA: Unicast UDP streaming is no longer supported by vimaccOA and cannot be configured anymore.
All current and planned discontinuations can be found on our WinCC OA Portal.
Additional Changes
Ctrl Library Restructure
In order to reduce space requirements, limit resource utilization and shorten startup time, many unused/unnecessary functions have been removed from the product.
The structure of the scripts and CTRL libraries has been changed to reduce the number of libraries in the file system and the number of libraries loaded when starting a manager. In particular for a runtime UI, the number of loaded standard libraries has been significantly reduced in order to shorten the start time. This has a particularly positive effect on the mobile user interface if a network connection with a lower bandwidth is used.
A detailed description of all the changes can be found here.
New Connector Functions
Pipe and Polygon shapes now have additional scriptable-only read-write properties when used as connectors:
Table - New Options For "writeToFile"
A new writeToFile options is available.
must be used."reportRequested" Event Added To "sysConnect()" Function
You can now establish a connection to the internal event "reportRequested" via sysConnect() and the registered callback is triggered when a report should be printed.
New Mapping stdin
The new mapping option stdin
for the function system() redirects the process' standard
input to the file indicated by fileName
system(makeMapping("program", "cat", "stdin", "/tmp/input", "stdout", "/tmp/output"));
OPC AE - New Config Entries "useJsonForSimpleEvent" & "conditionEventDp"
Use the config entry useJsonForSimpleEvent to specify that JSON format should be used instead of the old format.
For conditional events the DPE defined by the config entry conditionEventDp is used.
SNMP Driver - Config Entry "maxAgents"
The limit of 255 agents per driver has been removed. In the past, this limit could be
increased using the config entry [snmpdrv] maxAgents
entry which has now been removed.
SNMP - Redundant Connection Data Point
The behavior of the SNMP driver in redundant systems has been changed. Previously, the SNMP driver did not use "<DP>_2" data points for connection data points. This meant that the SNMP driver could not provide separate status information for an agent connection in a redundant system. Previously, only the active driver set the status. This has now been changed in 3.20. In a redundant project the corresponding "<DP>_2" DPs for the types _SNMPAgent and _SNMPV3Entity will be created by default. Please note this if you use status information from these DPs in your project.
As an alternative, you can use the configuration entry useReduPostfix. It can be used to set the old behavior. Use this config entry only if it is really necessary, as in this case the fwdDpType config.redu entries, which refer to the data point types mentioned above, must be removed in order to achieve the old behavior.
BACnet - Data Connection Protocols
The WinCC OA BACnet driver supports the data connection protocols BACnet/IP and BACnet/Secure Connect (BACnet/SC).
To configure the web socket connection, security certificates must be defined. To define the certificates, use the mandatory configuration entries secureCACertificate, secureCertificate and secureCertificateLKey. For more information, see the WinCC OA BACnet help.
Change Layer Order During Runtime
You now can change layer and z-Order of a single shape during runtime by using the functions zOrderAfter() , zOrderToBottom() and zOrderToTop().
Editable Layout Position In GEDI
Items that are included in an active layout get an additional Layout Position that allows to control the item's position within that layout.
User Interface
Custom CSS In ULC UX
A project-specific CSS has been added to the ULC UX file, see How to customize the ULC UX Design.
VideoPlayer EWO
A new VideoPlayer EWO with dedicated CTRL scripting has been added to WinCC OA. It can be used to play media files and detect QR codes.
For further information see VideoPlayer EWO.
Touch Handling Improvement For Trend
The trend was improved for touchscreen operation.
Setup Improvements
WinCC OA now comes with a new and improved setup, which has been split into multiple dedicated packages reflecting the customers needs as well as a modern design.
Desktop UI Deployment Changes
The WinCC OA Desktop UI has been removed from the standard setup and is now available as its own package. To restore the previous functionality, please follow the instructions on the page Desktop UI Requirements and Installation.
DiskSpaceCheck Alert Changed From FreeKB To AvailKB
The check for available disk space to trigger the emergency mode now checks the DPE AvailKB instead of FreeKB. An alert config has been implemented to warn the user if the free disk space reaches the limit.
New OA Help Assistant
The external Qt assistant has been replaced with internally-developed replacement, which is part of the WinCC OA UI manager and has the same features as the previous assistant.