PostgreSQL® Server Installation
PostgreSQL® Server Installation for remote DB
In case of Linux, use the PostgreSQL® server version package provided by ETM.
PostgreSQL® Server Installation Steps
To create a database instance of the PostgreSQL®, proceed as follows. Consider also the notes in the chapter Troubleshooting PostgreSQL® :
- Install PostgreSQL® (PostgreSQL® can be downloaded under ). Make sure the check box to
install pgAdmin is checked. This tool is very useful to browse the database. For
supported operating systems for PostgreSQL® Server, see chapter Software
requirements -Supported PostgreSQL Version for NGA
CAUTION: If you want to use PostgreSQL®, install the PostgreSQL client on all computers on which a PostgreSQL® backend is running or "Direct Read" is used via PostgreSQL® backends. You must also install the PostgreSQL® server on the computers on which the NGA Manager is running.
- Change the database user name and
password in the
winccoa_path/data/NGA/PostgreSQL/sql/config.sql file.
CAUTION: Only letters and numbers ([a-zA-Z0-9]) can be used for the content of the winccoa_path/data/NGA/PostgreSQL/sql/config.sql file.
- If you change the winccoaPassword (initially defined in:
winccoa_path/data/NGA/PostgreSQL/sql/config.sql), the
password must also be changed in NGA via :
Figure 1. Change the password - Execute the following command:
psql -f schema.sql postgresql://[admin_user]:[admin_password]@[database_host]:[database_port]
Note: For the PostgreSQL® schema upgrade scripts and restore and backup commands, see chapter PostgreSQL® Database Maintenance.
You can use the following command on a remote host to check if you can access the
database: psql -h <host> -p <port> -U <db user name>
-c "SELECT pg_is_in_recovery();"
If the database is available, the result of the SELECT query is shown. Otherwise an error message is shown.
- Start the WinCC OA project and NGA via .