WinCC OA License options (Features)

The following table contains the WinCC OA License options (Features).

For information of the license packages that contain the individual license options - contact the Sales.

License options

License Article WinCC OA License Option in the license container Log Output with the dbg option -report license Feature
WinCC OA - Para Standard Para "para" License for the PARA module. PARA single station. Development and configuration license for WinCC OA with graphic editor, script development environment and test framework.
WinCC OA - Para Remote Para Remote "pararemote" Remote License for the PARA module (pararemote). For PARA, see also the description above.
WinCC OA - Server Basic Event Manager "event" The Server Basic license contains alerts, extended trend, local archiving and S7, S7 Plus (8 connections) driver, Recipe, Scheduler, Maintenance, OPC UA client (available for Windows and Linux), OPC client and OPC server (only available for Windows):
Note: One PowerTag (I/O) or BACNET object package is required for the Server Basic license.

License for the Event Manager.

The Event manager is a kind of central data distributor, the communication center for WinCC OA. Furthermore, this manager also executes the alert handling and is able to execute different calculating functions stand-alone.

Archive "archive" License for Archives. The concept for archiving process data handles the saving and readout of information that occurs during process control or visualization. This involves values and messages that are generated by value changes. The process data is saved in archives.

WinCC OA provides three different archiving solutions:

CTRL Manager "ctrl" License for a CTRL Manager. In addition to the user interface, scripts created with the CONTROL language can run individually in their own manager even without any relation to the graphical user interface. Almost the same possibilities are provided (except for access functions to graphic attributes as well as panel functions). A CONTROL manager communicates with other WinCC OA managers through data point elements (process image).
Recipe "recipe" Recipe, License for recipes.
Scheduler "scheduler" Scheduler, License for the Scheduler.
Maintenance "maintenance" Maintenance, License for the Maintenance package.
S7/S7+ "s7plus" S7/S7+ (8 connections), License for the S7/S7Plus Driver .
OPC Client "opc_hda" OPC Client, License for the OPC HDA Client.
OPC UA Client "opc_ua_client" OPC UA client , License for the OPC UA Client.
OPC Server "opc_hda_srv" OPC Server, License for the OPC HDA Server.
WinCC OA - UI Client UI client "ui" An operator console UI license (1, 10, 25 or unlimited UIs 1 and Redu option to extend a redundant server base license) contains the Desktop UI, Webclient (ULC UX), Dashboard with engineering and controlling functionality (RW). Simultaneous connections of active UIs are counted:

UI (Desktop UI), License for the UIs.
"ultralight" Ultralight UX (ULC UX), License for the Ultralight UX
"dash_mobile / dash_desktop" Dashboard RW (+ eng.), Read and Write license for the Dashboard.
WinCC OA - UI Light UI light "mobile_ui" The UI light client license (1, 10, 25 or unlimited UIs 1 and Redu option to extend a redundant server base license)

Licenses for mobile apps for iOS or Android and Dashboard. Dashboard without control function (RO). Configuration function for technically suitable device types possible.

The UI light client license contains the following features:

Mobile UI, License for the Mobile UI.
"dash_mobile / dash_desktop" Dashboard - Read Only, Read-only license for the Dashboard.
Table 1.
Device Viewing Engineering dpSet ULC UX
Dashboard small

(small: <= 7.5" )

Phone x
Dashboard large

large: >7.5"

Desktop, Tablet x x
R/W Dashboard Desktop, Tablet x x x x
"dash_mobile / dash_desktop" Mobile Dashboard - (No Eng.), a mobile license for the Dashboard.
Table 2.
Device Viewing Engineering dpSet ULC UX
Dashboard small

(small: <= 7.5" )

Phone x
Dashboard large

large: >7.5"

Desktop, Tablet x x
R/W Dashboard Desktop, Tablet x x x x
WinCC OA - Premium Protocol Premium Protocol (Connectivity) "drv_prem" The Premium Protocol license. License for one of the listed protocols: IEC104, IEC 61850 / 61400, DNP3, PROFISafe, SINAUT, TLS, NTCIP. One license is required for each protocol used:
"iec104" Driver IEC 104, License for the IEC 104driver. Driver
"iec61850" IEC 61850 /61400, License for the IEC 101driver.
"dnp3" Driver DNP3, License for a DNP3 driver.
"profisafe" Driver PROFISafe, License for the PROFIsafe Server.
"sinaut" Driver SINAUT, License for SINAUT Driver.
"tls" Driver TLS, License for the TLS Driver.
"ntcip" Driver NTCIP, License for NTCIP (National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol).
WinCC OA - Standard Protocol Std.Protocol (Connectivity) "drv_base" The Standard Protocol license. Std. Protocol (Connectivity). License for one of the listed protocols: IEC101, Modbus, MQTT, ProfiNet, Omron FINS, Ethernet/IP, RK512, SAIA S-Bus, SNMP, SSI, BACnet. OPC UA Server, Modbus Server and Insights Hub Connector (MindSphere). One license is required for each protocol used:
"iec101" Driver IEC101, License for the Driver IEC101.
"modbus" Driver Modbus, License for the Modbus driver.
"mqtt" Driver MQTT Client /Publisher, License for MQTT driver.
"profinet" Driver PROFINET, License for the PROFINET Server.
"omron" Driver Omron FINS.
"eip" Driver Ethernet/IP, License for the Ethernet/IP driver.
"rk512" RK512, License for the RK512 Driver.
"sbus" Driver SAIA-S-BUS, License for the SBus Driver.
"snmp" Driver SNMP, License for the SNMP Driver.
"ssi" Driver SSI, License for the SSI Driver.
"bacnet" BACnet, License for BACnet driver.
Note: PowerTags are required if other drivers or data exchange are activated on a WinCC OA system in addition to BACnet. For information on calculating the BACnet objects, see chapter Licenses - Features - BACnet Objects
"mindsphere" MindSphere connector (Insights Hub), License for the MindSphere connector (Insights Hub).
"opc_ua_srv" OPC UA Server, License for the OPC UA Server.
"modbus_srv" Modbus Server, License for the Modbus/TCP Server.
WinCC OA - [Number] PowerTags I/O "ios" License for Inputs and Outputs. Expansion of a WinCC OA - Server basic license by PowerTags. For a correct redundant server configuration both WinCC OAserver licenses must be identical. A PowerTag expansion can only be ordered within the same WinCC OA version.
WinCC OA - Redundancy Redundancy "redundancy" License for Redundancy. License for expanding a WinCC OA Server by the option of high availability with bumpless switchover. For a redundant system, both servers require a WinCC OA - Redundancy license. For a correct redundant server configuration, both WinCC OA Server licenses must be identical.
WinCC OA - Dist System Distributed Systems "distributed" License for Distributed Systems. Dist System. expands a WinCC OA Server by the Multiserver option. Up to 2,048 systems can be connected.
WinCC OA - CommCenter CommCenter "comcenter" License for the Communication Center. Wireless alarming via SMS and email. Basic package for unlimited alarms. Price per WinCC OA Server.
WinCC OA - NGA Standard/Premium/Backend Connection NGA Backend Conn. "useNGA" License for NGA. See also Licensing.

NGA Standard. Permits the use of the Next Generation Archiver in projects with up to 150,000 PowerTags or up to 30,000 BACnet objects. Contains the option for connecting a freely selectable backend in addition to local archiving. Can be expanded by further WinCC OA - NGA backend connections separately.

NGA Premium. Permits the use of the Next Generation Archiver in projects with more than 150,000 PowerTags or 30,000 BACnet objects. Contains the option for connecting a freely selectable backend in addition to local archiving. Can be expanded by further WinCC OA - NGA backend connections separately.

WinCC OA- RDB RDB archiving "rdb_archive" License for RDB. Relational database add-on for connection of an Oracle database to a WinCC OA server. Oracle licenses are not included. Requires one license per server.
WinCC OA [Number] - BACNet Objects BACnet Objects "bacnet_objects" Connections to BACnet objects. BACnet objects. Expansion of a single WinCC OA Server license by BACnet objects. Requires Driver "Standard Protocol" for a correct redundant server configuration, both WinCC OA Server licenses must be identical. A BACnet object expansion can only be ordered within the same WinCC OA version.
Note: PowerTags are required if other drivers or data exchange are activated on a system in addition to BACnet. For information on calculating the BACnet objects, see chapter Licenses - Features - BACnet Objects.
WinCC OA - AMS Package AMS "AMS" License for AMS. License for Advanced Maintenance Suite, includes application for unlimited assignments of alarm DPs to checklists (all A-DPs are counted that are linked with a list and trigger job orders). One day of consulting services is included. Does not include further support and cannot be expanded. AMS importer is not available for Linux.
WinCC OA - Custom Component Custom Component "api" License for API. Custom Comp. The Custom Component option extends a WinCC OA Server license with the option of using a customer-specific extension such as API Managers, API Drivers, script extensions (CTRL extension) or graphic extensions (EWO) at runtime. One license is required per customer-specific component.
WinCC OA - APM Package APM "apm" License for the Advanced Playback Manager. APM is capable of playing back the system status of a real-time system in a test simulation system. Included functions: Snapshot (point in time), Playback (time range), training sequence. The APM package does not include a simulation of the process or the connected controllers. Requires WinCC OA - RDB (Oracle connection).
WinCC OA - DRS Disaster Recovery "dis_rec_system" License for the Disaster Recovery System. License for disaster recovery system, permits the operation of a remote backup control center. A DRS consists of 2 redundant systems (in total 4 servers). Requires the use of an NGA or a central Oracle database and for each server a WinCC OA NGA or RDB option. Each server in this constellation requires a separate WinCC OA - DRS license.
WinCC OA - Map Map Viewer "gis" License for the WinCC OA Map Viewer and the GIS Viewer. Add-on for the representation of Open Street Map and own maps. Can be used in WinCC OA Desktop UI and Ultralight UX. Maps are not included. Offline operation is possible. Within the maps, WinCC OA objects can be represented. The license also includes the use of the GIS viewer. For each WinCC OA Server basic, one license is required
WinCC OA - Webserver Webserver "webserver" License for the Web server.
WinCC OA - Websocket Connection Webserver Connections "websockets" License for Web server connections. 1 Websocket connection. Expands a WinCC OA Server basic license by 1 web socket connection.
WinCC OA - DB Logger DB Logger "infoserver" License for the DBLogger. DB Logger. Data logger add-on for the export of freely selectable data from WinCC OA into an external database (DB). The DB Logger offers simultaneously the option of exporting data so that many different analysis tools can be used to analyze the data. It is not a substitute for archiving with NGA, RDB or ValArch.
WinCC OA - Secure by Kerberos Kerberos Security "kerberos" License for the Kerberos Security. License for the expansion of a WinCC OA Server to include enhanced protection with Kerberos. This option increases the IT security level of WinCC OA by using ticked-based authentication.
WinCC OA - Report Report "report" License for the Reporting tool and the Excel report. This option expands a WinCC OA Server basic license by reporting clients for evaluation of WinCC OA data by means of third-party tools such as BIRT or Crystal Reports. Excel Report is supported and automatically included with the WinCC OA - Reporting option supplied as a separate accessory.
WinCC OA - SmartSCADA KPI Ext. SmartSCADA KPI "smartscada_kpi" License for the SmartSCADA KPI package. SmartSCADA KPI expansion. Add-on for expanding the WinCC OA - SmartSCADA Toolbox by further KPI instances.
WinCC OA - SmartSCADA Analytics SmartSCADA Analyze "smartscada_analyt" License for the SmartSCADA Analytics package (DataMining and Classification wizards). Add-on SmartSCADA Analytics is a temporary license for wizard-guided data analysis of historical data and teaching of statistical models for condition classification of plants. Through integration of the statistics toolbox "R", numerous evaluations are made available. No Para license included. License expires after one year. Taught-in models can continue to be used after expiration of this license.
WinCC OA - Video WinCC OA - Video "video_basis"





WinCC OA Video Light, Video Basis, Video Display, Video Workstation, Video Source(s )/camera(s)

WinCC OA Video Light

The Video Light package enables the connection of 4 sources /cameras and one WinCC OA UI-independent external video display. This package is not expandable.

WinCC OA Video Basic

The basic video package enables the native (via ONVIF) connection of cameras / sources to a WinCC OA system. This includes all streaming, recording and playback functions. Video sources are counted per IP address and must be purchased separately. Linux and virtual machines are only supported with restrictions. A WinCC OA UI-independent external video display is included.

WinCC OA Video Display

Extends the Video Basic system with a WinCC OA UI-independent external video display. A video display license is included in the basic package.

WinCC OA Video Workstation

Connection of an additional workstation for the pure display/research of video data (including export) with a limited range of functions ("emergency operating client").

WinCC OA Source(s)/Camera(s)

Adds a camera / source to the Video Basic system. This includes all streaming, recording and playback functions. Video sources are counted per IP address.

WinCC OA Video DIST-Display

Extends the WinCC OA video base system to display streams from other WinCC OA video systems that are connected via WinCC OA Dist.

WinCC OA ULC UX Load Balancing ULC UX Load Balancing "load_balance" This option permits load balancing of various connections between WinCC OA Servers and WinCC OA ULC UX Clients. Per configured web server, one license is required.
WinCC OA - Topology Package Topology Framework "networktopo" License for the Topology Package. The topology package is an application framework for topological coloring of network representations. A qualitative statement is made as to which parts (nodes, cable parts, etc.) of a network are connected to which feeds. This package also includes one day of consulting services (WinCC OA - consulting 8 hours) for project-specific integration.
WinCC OA - OEM License Key Custom Keywords Entry is displayed as a key/value pair with user-defined values Own license keyword. Permits the setting of customer-specific license entries. Specify the name of the keyword as well as the numerical value when ordering a license.
Note: You can order five keywords per license.
Note: If only one license of a license keyword is available, the first project that accesses the container containing the license, receives the license.

1 For more information on the available number of unlimited UIs, see chapter Operating Conditions.