License Improvements
Streamlining for easier ordering and license handling.

WinCC OA "Feel Good" Packages
- Unlimited User Interface clients.
- Unlimited I/Os.
- Connectivity included: S7, OPC UA Client.
- Historian included: PostgreSQL® Database.
Make connectivity flexible and easy
- Simply order the number of different protocols you want to use.
- Activate the specific protocols you really need.
- Change protocols for free.
- Instead of 21 individual order numbers only 2 order numbers you need to know:
More value for the same price
License options now included for free:
Simplify User Interface licenses
- No differentiation between Web and UI Clients & Dashboard.
- Use the UI type which fits best.
- Only 2 UI order numbers (UI Client/UI Light).
- New differentiation in mobile or fixed.
- New cheaper license for "View Only".
Streamlined UI Options
- License options come in package sizes:
- 1
- 10
- 25
- Unlimited

1 .. Dashboard RW sums up any command functionality with write direction e.g., like the ULC UX widget.
Dashboard RO provides read-only access to data (“Standard Dashboard”).
Streamlining Of Drivers
Server Base
Included Protocols:
- S7
- S7+ (8 Connections)
- OPC Classic Client
- OPC Classic Server
- OPC UA Client
Separate to-order licenses:

* .. Unlimited instances of 1 type of protocol can be used.