CTRL Debugger

You can use the CTRL debugger to debug the Control programming language. The debugger can be used via its own panel, which also enables the monitoring and setting of variable values during the execution of a script.


  • Use the CTRL Debugger to debug CTRL scripts.
  • Execute instructions step by step and set variable values.
  • Monitor and set variable values during the execution of a script
  • Debug scripts irrespective of where in a WinCC OA system the scripts are running.
  • Full support of CTRL++
  • Options

    • Step over, into and out.
    • Threads dock tree and options for threads: Break new thread, Debug Break Stop Thread and Break Thread on Error.
    • Option Continue to a line.
  • Define breakpoints that stop a script as soon as it reaches a specific line. You can disable breakpoints and use conditional breakpoints.
    • IgnoreCount for breakpoints. An ignoreCount can be defined for breakpoints. It defines the number of hits that a breakpoint must make before execution is actually stopped.
  • Debugging of init scripts (Break new thread and the possibility to start a manager via console for debugging)


Several advantages facilitate the use of the debugger:

  • Since the Debugger consists of DOCK windows, the windows can be moved and placed freely
  • Filter function. You can use a filter key to search for CTRL scripts, CTRL libs, variables and breakpoints (breakpoints are created according to line numbers, the breakpoint "29", for example, means a breakpoint on the line 29).
  • Easy to set variables. Variable values can be set directly in the debugger.
  • Cleaner and better user guidance via more DOCK windows, more breakpoint and other debugging options - see the Feature list above.
  • Update function in the tree and other views (e.g. local variables and breakpoints) of the CTRL debugger: update the view of the scripts you want to debug

The Debugger does not check whether a system is online. Since debugging can also intervene the online operation, ensure that the debugging does not pose a risk to the operation.


  • The use of CTRL Debugger is currently limited to the local system only.