Types of Control Functions
An overview of the types of functions distinguished within Control.
Type of function | Use |
Administration of managers, modules and panels | These functions are used for the administration of managers, modules and panels. |
Alert handling | These functions are associated with data points and respond to messages and changes to messages. |
Communication functions | These functions are needed for establishing a connection for different applications. |
Crypthographic Functions | Use these functions for encryption and decryption. |
Database functions (ADO) | Functions for data manipulations of databases via ADO interfaces. |
Data point functions | Using these functions you can read, change or manipulate data point values and attributes. |
Dynamic arrays | These functions calculate, sort and manipulate the contents of arrays. |
Error functions | Using these functions you can read and handle errors that arise in functions with error handling capability. |
File functions | You can use these files to import and export files, open, close and print files as well as perform other file manipulations. |
Functions for bit32 variables | These functions support bit operations on bit32 variables |
Functions for blob variables | These functions support the operations with blob variables. |
Graphics functions | These functions are needed for editing or manipulating graphics or their attributes. |
Mapping Functions | These functions are specifically supported by mappings. |
Mathematical functions | These functions are used for mathematical processing of values. The generally valid definitions apply to these functions. |
Miscellaneous functions | Functions that do not fit any of the other categories are grouped here. |
Multilingual functionality | These functions are used for handling languages, texts and lexicons in multilingual projects. |
Project administration functions | These functions are used for project administration. |
Query functions | These functions are used for different types of queries. |
Selection and configuration dialogs | These functions are used for setting the parameters of dialog boxes used for simple configuration of graphics elements |
Strings | These functions read and edit strings or parts of strings. |
Threads | These functions start or stop threads, or return the thread number. |
Time functions | Time functions can be used to output times to millisecond accuracy. |
User administration | These functions check the user, his identity and associated permissions. |
Waiting Control functions | These Control functions block the execution of a script until a response is received from the Event Manager. |
Window functions | These functions must only be used in the User Interface. They open and close panels, modules or levels. |
XML Control Extension | These functions are user for modifications of XML data from a XML file or string. |
Note that the function names must be unique. If double function names are used, an error message is shown.