Data point Functions
Using these functions you can read, change or manipulate data point values and attributes.
When querying a DPE of the type "struct" a warning (see below) is sent to the LogViewer. It is recommended that the last element of a DP are no complex data types but instead e.g. bool, int, float, ....
WCCILevent (0), <TIMESTAMP>, IMPL, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, DP:
<DP-ID>:_original.._stime, MAN: (SYS: 1 Event -num 0 CONN: 2),
EvDpManager::getDpValueAttribut: no config
These functions cannot be used in the context of the event manager!
Depending on the actual project the dpConnect* functions may be limited by the default value of the config entry maxConnectMessageSize. If required corresponding changes to this entry must be set.