

Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source JavaScript runtime environment that can run on Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, and more. Node.js runs on the V8 JavaScript engine, and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. Source: Node.js (Wikipedia)


JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a programming language and core technology of the Web. It was originally developed for dynamic HTML in web browsers to evaluate user interactions, change, reload or generate content and thus extend the possibilities of HTML. Source: JavaScript (Wikipedia)


TypeScript is a free and open-source high-level programming language developed by Microsoft that adds static typing with optional type annotations to JavaScript. It is designed for the development of large applications and transpiles to JavaScript. Source: TypeScript (Wikipedia)


npm is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js and is included as a recommended feature in the Node.js installer. Source: npm (Wikipedia)