Valid Data types and Conversions


TypeScript and JavaScript only know one numeric data type (number) - all numbers are transferred to or from the API with this data type. The precision corresponds to the CTRL data type double which also means that a 64-bit integer data type cannot be represented exactly.

It is therefore possible to return these values as BigInt instead of number. This function is enabled by using WinccoaManager:setOptions():

winccoa.setOptions({longAsBigInt: true});

Multilingual Strings

The API can return multilingual strings (langText) in following formats:

  • As an object, each language is the name of a property, and the value of the property is the character string in the respective language, e.g:
    {"de_AT.utf8": "Deutscher Text", "en_US.utf8": "English Text"}
  • As Array of strings, sorted by the language ID, e.g.:
    ["Deutscher Text", "English Text"]
  • As single string, either of the active language (default) or in a fixed language.

Which format is used by the API can be configured with the function WinccoaManager:setOptions().

Alarm Time

Alarm time (atime) is represented in TypeScript/JavaScript using the class WinccoaAlertTime.