Installation of Node.js®

Node.js® is not included in the WinCC OA setup. To install the application, one of the following two methods can be used.

  1. Installation via WinCC OA GEDI

    In your WinCC OA project, navigate to the Tools tab where you find a category Node.js. Clicking on it opens a dialog window to install Node.js® on your Computer.

    Figure 1. Node.js® installation via GEDI

    This method works the same for all supported operating systems.

  2. Manual installation

    For the manual installation, download a supported version from the Node.js website and run the installation. There are options available for a pre built installer (Windows) as well as a package manager (Linux).

    If a version of Node.js® is already installed on your server, you can use the following command line call to check which version is installed and whether it has been stored correctly.
    node --version && npm --version
Important: After the installation of Node.js® is complete, a restart of WinCC OA is required (including the console), otherwise the path for Node.js® will not be recognized. For manual installations it is recommended to close down WinCC OA before beginning the installation and only start again when it is finished.