CTRL Debugger Panel

A manager can execute several CTRL scripts simultaneously. A script can contain several threads. You can analyze a script or a thread in the script. Multiple debugger windows can be opened. If a script that has been opened in the debugger is closed, a message is displayed in the debugger. The debugger stops on the line in the code where a code is executed, but not on empty declarations.

Open the CTRL debugger panel via GEDI > Tools > CTRL Debugger.

Figure 1. Tools menu in the GEDI

Or via the same symbol in the WinCC OA console. Control (CTRL) and UI managers can be debugged.

Note: With the Start Manager for Debugging and break new Threads option in the WinCC OA console the debugger stops on the first line. It waits and when you press a second time, the debugger is started. If a manager has not yet been started and you press the button, the manager does not yet execute, but waits until you start the CTRL debugger and click Continue.
Important: If the CTRL Debugger panel is opened via the console, a new UI is started. Thus, a free UI license is required. Furthermore, note that you have to log in first when you open the panel via the console.
Note: To debug a stopped CTRL manager (e.g. due to a faulty script), you must click twice on the bug icon (see the figure above) in the WinCC OA Console to start the manager first and then the debugger.
Restriction: The debugger cannot be started via the console when SSA is activated.
Tip: In order to debug a manager, the manager must be running!
Important: Scripts of a panel are only available within the Debugger, if the scripts have been called once while the Debugger is active.
Figure 2. CTRL Debugger - Select a Manager

With the CTRL Debugger you can debug scripts or threads. The scripts can, however, not be changed in the debugger. You can, however, open a script in the script editor via the CTRL debugger or a panel in the GEDI. See further below.

ScopeLibs cannot be debugged!

The panel contains 5 main areas that are described in detail in the following:

as well as the


Since the windows are DOC modules, these can be moved and placed freely.

Figure 3. The CTRL Debugger - UI Manager
Figure 4. CTRL Debugger - CTRL Manager

If the user interface or the CTRL manager that should be debugged does not run, an error message is shown in the main window:

Figure 5. Error message, if the manager that should be debugged does not run

After the restart of a manager, all views of the debugger are updated.

Note: Note that in order to debug a manager, the debugger must be connected to the Data and Event managers. Thus, do no start the debugger with the option -n when starting the debugger via the console.