This panel allows to enter the IP addresses and IED names. A secondary device can only be configured if the option redundant device is enabled.

First Device
Enter the IP address of the device (IEC 61850 server) into the text field IP address.
For entering a port number other than the default (102), the format used must be <IP address>:<Port number>.
IP address with default port number:
IP address with port number 104:
IED name
IEC 61850 name of the respective IED. It is not necessary to enter the name in case a single connection is manually configured. If the configuration is read from an SCL File, the name shown in the field is taken from the file.
Allows to enable/disable the connection to the respective IED (only when device redundancy is enabled).
Second Device
These settings are only available in case of device redundancy.
Device switching
These settings are only available in case of device redundancy.