
This function sets a tool tip (for a corresponding graphics object. The text is displayed when the cursor points at the graphics object.


setValue(string shape, "toolTipText", string tooltip);

getValue(string shape, "toolTipText", string &tooltip);

shape.toolTipText(string tooltip);


Parameter Description
shape Name of the object
tooltip Displayed text


This attribute defines the text that will be displayed when the cursor points at a graphics object.


The following example displays the text "Please select" for the selection list"SelectionList1".

  liste.toolTipText="Please select";

This function can be used for all simple and complex graphics objects with the exception of Table (see Table), Tab, Trend and Bar-Trend. You can define the tool tip in the property sheet of GEDI.


The color and background colors of a tool tip cannot be set (these are defined by the system). You can, however, set the type of the font (for example, bold or italic). This is done when defining the tool tip text by using an HTML code. If you, for example, want to define a bold text, specify it by using the HTML tags (e.g.: <b>This is a bold text.</b>) . Note that this includes the HTML notation of various special characters (e.g: angled brackets < > are written as &lt; &gt;).

For more information about the available HTML tags, see Qt - Richtext HTML Subset.


Simple graphics objects: plain text, line, free line, polyline, rectangle, arc, ellipse, frame;

Complex graphics objects: cascade, button, check box, radio box, combo box, selection list, text field, spin-button;