
Enables or disables the click events for a specific layer of the Maps EWO.


bool setLayerClickEnabled(int layerId, bool enabled)


Parameter Description
layerId layer number
enabled Specifies whether objects on the layer should be clickable.


This function is used to enable or disable click events for a specified layer of the Maps EWO. By default, all layers are clickable. After disabling, the events lineClicked and polygonClicked will never be executed for lines or polygons of the specified layer. The function returns false in case of an error, otherwise true.

The function only enables or disables the click events for polygons and lines. The click events for symbols will always be enabled.


Maps Widget

See also

addEmptyLayer(), clearLayer(), getLayerClickEnabled(), getLayerFromName(), getLayerName(), getLayers(), hideLayer(), isLayerVisible(), layerExists(), moveLayerToTop(), removeLayer(), setLayerVisibleRange(), showLayer()