Define alarm groups
For the further configuration tasks, the data point elements with alert handlings have to be defined for each domain (branch). Which alarms of DPEs are forwarded to the users of a branch, is set in the panel for the alert group management. The panel is opened with the button in the domain management (see also Create branches).

There is an alarm group generated automatically for each branch when creating a branch (for example, the branch "Electro-technics" possesses the alarm group cc_Electrotechnics). In this alarm group (can be equated with a data point group) all DPs or DPEs that possess an alert handling and whose pending alarms should be shown using the Communication Center, are summarized. In the example (as shown in the figure above) all alarms of the elements that correspond to the pattern "Valve*.alert.controlFuse*" are shown for the users of the branch electro-technics using the Communication Center. For more information on the possible settings and configurations in this panel see chapter Datenpoint groups
Sum alerts are not allowed in the Communication Center configuration, as these cannot be acknowledged.
Important in conjunction with the Communication Center and configuration of the alarm groups is the Check ... function in the panel for the alarm group administration. The following panel is opened via a click on this button:
In this panel all data points or data point elements contained in the group and which correspond to the configured filter definitions are listed. Via a click on the Alert button, the view of the panel is changed as shown above and the panel also shows which element in the system is provided with an active alert handling. At the bottom of the panel, the number of configured alarms proportionately to the total number of elements in the group can be read out (number , for example,: 20/20 - the first number is the number of elements that contain a configured alert handling; the second number specifies the total number of elements contained in this group.)
The licensing of the Communication Center takes place depending on the license via the number of alarms that the user can configure to be output via the Communication Center. If the number of the configured alarms exceeds the number defined in the license, the Communication Center can be used for 7 days until it is shut down automatically. Since the number of already used alarms is shown, the user can keep an overview and can distribute the number of alarms for the complete system according to his needs and the license.