Define call lists
Call lists contain one or more persons of a branch who are informed in case of errors at the plant and can take action. The persons defined in the list are not informed immediately when an error occurs but sequential (first the first person, if this person cannot be reached then the second person etc.) For more information about the functionality of the Communication Center, see chapter Functionality of the Communication Center.
The following figure shows the panel "Calling List Management" that is opened through the

By selecting a call list from a combo box the assigned users are shown in the selection list below. A call list can be created via click on the New list button. Assign a name and assign persons to the new list as shown in the figure above.
Note that when persons are assigned to call lists, persons of only one branch can be administered in the call list.
The order of the entered persons in a call list play an important role in the remote alerting. When an error occurs, the system tries to reach the main person, thereafter the deputyship and then the first person in the list (if several devices are assigned to the user, the first device is used for the alerting first, in case of failure the second device etc. - see also Create users and assign devices). If the first user cannot be reached, the system tries to inform the next user in the list.
A person can also be available several times in a call list. If this is the case the specified time for the particular person has an effect on the communication process in the Communication Center. (for more information on the specified time see chapters functionality of the Communication Center and General settings)!