Assign call lists to branches
After a call list was defined for a specific branch, it has to be provided in the branch administration. Therefore, open the panel Domain Management:
Next to the check box Used, you have to switch to the static list so that the call list defined earlier can be chosen in the lower part of the panel and is available for the Communication Center and for the communication process.
Select an existing call list from the combo box. An error dialog is shown if the users in the selected call list do not belong to the branch electro-technics. You can create a new call list using the buttons next to the combo box (the panel for the call list administration is opened - see also Define call lists) or delete a list. When deleting a call list, the list itself is not deleted but only deactivated for the Communication Center and is not available for the communication anymore.
In addition to the call list, in which several users can be entered as "Fallback", it is possible to define a further list with persons, who are informed if the persons (defined in the call list or shift plan) are not reached. This means the system tries to contact the persons in this list sequential.
Contrary to the "normal" call list, the fallback list can also contain persons from other branches!
Configure the created call list "AL_electrotechnics" and a list "AL_Electrotechnics_Fallback" for the replacement as shown in the figure above.