Wizard Framework Elements

Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar is used to dynamically display the navigation points inside the wizard. These navigation points can be configured by using the Wizard Configuration panel. The symbols of the navigation elements can be changed to custom icons.

Figure: Navigation Bar - CNS Wizard Example


It is recommended to use icons in the "portable network graphic" (.png) format and a resolution of 32x32 pixels.

Depending on the configuration (stored on the wizard data point) a panel is opened inside the Panel Area if the corresponding navigation element is clicked.

Notification Bar

The Notification Bar is used to display important information like warnings and errors.

  • Per default, the notification bar is shown if a wizard is created, saved or deleted.

  • In case of an error or warning the notification bar pops up below the Navigation Bar.

  • The information inside the notification bar is displayed between 2 to 6 seconds (see important variables and constants) before the notification bar is closed.

  • Depending on the priority of the notification a corresponding color is displayed. Following colors are defined: Green (INFO), yellow (WARNING), Red (SEVERE).

  • The Notification bar always displays the latest notification with the highest priority. A notification with higher priority will overwrite a notification with lower priority. A notification with lower priority will never overwrite a notification with higher priority.

  • Important notification can be written to the log viewer. It is possible to write different messages to the log viewer and to the notification bar for the same notification. Therefor a second message text must be added to the text catalog with the same keyword + the suffix "_Logview", e.g. "myNotification" and "myNotification_Logview".

  • If a message for a notification is too long the displayed text is shortened by using the "..." symbol.

Figure 1. Notification Bar Examples

Usage as Reference

The Notification Bar can be used as a reference outside of the Wizard Framework. The reference panel "NOTIFICATION_BAR.pnl" is located under <wincc_oa_path>/panels/objects_parts/STD_OBJECTS.

Following dollar parameters must be set to correctly configure the Notification Bar inside a custom panel.

$ Parameter Type Default Range Description
$bExpandable bool 0 0|1 Defines if the Notification Bar is expandable (instead of one notifications up to three notifications can be displayed)
$bFitToPanel bool 0 0|1

Defines if the Notification Bar stretches to

Definiert ob die Notification Bar an das Panel angepasst wird.

$bRootPanel bool 0 0|1 => showinallpanels root auch logviewer.
Zusätzliche Datenpunkte welche ebenfalls auf Meldungen, die in der Notification Bar angezeigt werden sollen, überprüft werden sollen.

For further configuration the Notification Bar Control functions can be used.

Panel Area

The Panel Area is used to display the defined panels inside the wizard. To add panels to the corresponding navigation elements inside of the wizard, the wizard configuration panel can be used. Alternatively the panel paths can be added to the corresponding internal data point of the wizard.

Bottom Bar

The Bottom Bar is used to dynamically display the required buttons on fixed positions. The horizontal positioning is performed automatically. The texts and tool-tip texts of the panel are stored inside the wfShapes.cat file.

The Bottom Bar elements inside of the Wizard Framework always refer to the current panel displayed inside of the Panel Area. If a different navigation point inside the Navigation Bar is selected the Bottom Bar is refreshed and the required buttons for the newly opened panel are displayed.

The Bottom Bar can be used as a reference outside of the Wizard Framework. The reference panel "BtnBottomBar.pnl" is located under <wincc_oa_path>/panels/vision/wf/objects.

Figure 2. Bottom Bar reference panel

Usage as Reference

The following dollar parameters must be set to correctly configure the Bottom Bar inside a custom panel.

$Parameter Description

List of buttons that should be displayed. Following button types are available:

  • „btn_BottomBar_help“: help button (shortcut key F1)

  • "btn_BottomBar_save“: save button (shortcut key ctrl + s)

  • „btn_BottomBar_cancel“: reset button (shortcut key Esc)

  • „btn_BottomBar_close“: close button

  • „btn_BottomBar_ok“: OK button

  • „btn_BottomBar_yes“: yes button

  • „btn_BottomBar_no“: no button

$dsVisibleFunc List with functions or scripts for the visibility of the button, e.g. for permission checks, license check, etc. If a button should always be visible the keyword "wf_alwaysTrue" should be used.
$dsEnabledFunc List with functions or scripts for the enabled/disabled state of the button, e.g. for permission checks, license check, etc. If a button should always be visible the keyword "wf_alwaysTrue" should be used.
$dsExecFunc List with functions or scripts that should be executed on case of a click on the corresponding button.
$dsIcons List with icon paths (relative paths) that should be displayed instead of the button text.
$sReferenceName Reference name of the Bottom Bar instance. Is used for the addressing of the reference with get- and setValue.

If the parameters are not correctly stated inside the reference dialog or the number of arguments inside the parameters do not match, no buttons are displayed inside the Bottom Bar. This means, that e.g. in case of two defined buttons (dsButtons) the entries for dsVisibleFunc, dsEnabledFunc, dsExecFunc and dsIcons must each contain two arguments. To state multiple arguments in one parameter the pipe symbol " | " must be used as separator. Note that a blank must be used in front and after the pipe symbol.