Wizard Framework, Details

Internal Data Point Structure


For each wizard a data point of the type _WizardFramework is created. This data point stores all necessary information for using the full functionality of a WinCC OA wizard.

DPE Type Description
FullName langString Is displayed in the title bar of the wizard. If empty the wizard key is displayed.
WizardKey string This key is used for the navi points and must be unique for every wizard. Pictures for the navi points must be stored in /pictures/<WizardKey>/navi.
Description langString Currently not in use. The description shall be displayed as tooltip for the respective system management button.
PanelEnable bool Shows whether the wizard is enabled or disabled. This element must not be configured.
Navi.Keys dyn_string Each navi point has its own key. The respective icon is shown due to this key. The icons must be stored under /<Wizardkey>/navi/&#60;NaviKey. If the icon does not exist, an error message is displayed in the notification bar and the default icon is used. Note that you must not use any characters for the name which are not allowed by the operating system.
Navi.PanelsPath dyn_string When clicking on the navi point the here defined panel is opened. The relative panel path must be specified. If the panel does not exist, a warning is displayed in the notification bar.
Navi.Dollars dyn_string Dollar parameters which are passed when opening a panel. It is possible to pass several parameters. The first character is the separator. Example: |$Dp1:a|$Dp2:b|$Dp3:c … in this case the separator is |.
Navi.Names dyn_langString Text which is displayed under the icon of the navi point.
Navi.Descriptions dyn_langString Description of a navi point which is shown as a tooltip.
Navi.ViewPermissions dyn_int Defines the necessary user bit for enabling the respective navi point.
Navi.HelpKeyWord dyn_string Defines the help keyword. If no keyword or a keyword which doesn't exist in the keywords.txt is defined, the help button is not displayed. The keywords must be defined in the keywords.txt (located in the &#60;WinCC OA path&#62;/data directory). Per default, the "WinCC_OA_Help.chm" help file is opened. It is also possible to define a custom ".chm" file using the pipe symbol, e.g. wizard1_panel1|custom_help.chm
Navi.Functions.Save dyn_string This function or this script is called by clicking on the Apply button. It is also called if the wizard is closed and changes were not saved (the dialog "Do you want to save changes?" is shown). The function is only called if the IsChanged function was executed and returned WF_PANEL_CHANGED. Example: &#35;uses "std.ctl" int main(){cns_savePanel(); return 0;}
Navi.Functions.IsChanged dyn_string

This function or this script is called by the WizardFramework when closing the wizard or opening another navi point. It checks if any changes have been made. Example: &#35;uses "wizardFramework.ctl“ int main(){return WF_PANEL_NO_CHANGE;}

- WF_PANEL_NO_CHANGE ... no changes

- WF_PANEL_CHANGED ... changed

Navi.Functions.MenuPointClick dyn_string This function or this script is called by clicking on a navi point.


DPE Type Description
Msg.Catalog string Message catalog in which the notification texts are defined
Msg.Key string Message key of the notification
Msg.Code string Message code which is displayed in the log viewer. If it is not existent in your message catalog or the notification message catalog, it is taken from the _errors.cat. Please note that _errors.cat is a WinCC OA standard file and must not be configured. If the message is not found in any of the catalogs, only the keyword is displayed.
Msg.Prio int
Msg.Params dyn_string

Priority of the message:





Msg.ShwoInPanel string If set true, the message is only shown in the notification bar of this panel and the root panel does not display a message. If it is false, the message is shown in all panels.
Settings.MinPrio int Defines from which priority messages are displayed in the notification bar.
Settings.ShowPublicMsg bool Not in use.
Settings.ShowInLogView bool Display the message in the log viewer.
Settings.EnabledManIds dyn_int Message is only displayed on the given manager IDs (the entire manager ID must be defined).