
WCCOAtoolCMactivation can be used to activate or deactivate licenses. For Container Handling use the tool cmu32 (Windows) / cmu (Linux).


You can find the tool under WinCCOA_path/bin/WCCOAtoolCMactivation[.exe]


You can find the tool under:

  • Windows: cmu32 (C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeMeter\Runtime\bin\cmu32)
  • Linux: cmu (/usr/bin/cmu)

Necessary Data

  • Firm Code for ETM (Vendor ID): 6000802
  • License Gateway: https://lc.codemeter.com/45845/gateways
  • Container ID (e.g. 130-35951XXXXX) or Dongle-ID (e.g. 3-67843XXXXX)


  • cmu --help
  • cmu32 --help
  • WCCOAtoolCMactivation -help

For a complete list of the command line tool options, see the description in the help option of the tool.

Container Handling with cmu32/cmu

  • Create a container: cmu32 -i --file winccoa_installDir\data\license\etm_pc_-_A_Siemens_Company.WibuCmLif
  • Delete an existing container: cmu32 --delete-cmact-license --serial <container_id>

    Example: cmu32 --delete-cmact-license --serial 130-17867XXXXX

  • Create a license request: cmu32 -c <firm code> -f <licenseReqName>.WibuCmRaC --serial <container_id>

    Example: cmu32 -c 6000802 -f licenseReq.WibuCmRaC --serial 130-178XXXXXXX

    With this command you can also create a receipt.

  • Import a license: cmu32 --import --file <absoluteFilepath>/130-17867XXXXX.WibuCmRaU
Note: If you have several containers, the serial number (--serial) must be used for a license request

Interactive or Non-Interactive Usage

All commands of the WCCOAtoolCMactivation tool can be used in interactive shells or in a non-interactive environment (e.g. script). If the commands are used together with the -interactive yes option, then the output is human readable. When an option is not specified, then -interactive no is the default. Non-interactive provides JSON formatted text on stdout for information and JSON formatted text on stderr for error messages.

Note: The tool reports as briefly as possible. Turn on more output with the -verbose option.

Default behavior

When options are not set, the default action of the WCCOAtoolCMactivation is set:

-activate -interactive no <gateway> <ticket>

This is valid on PCs with exactly one license container and it loads all available license options from the given tickets into this container.