The available functions of the Table object.
An introduction to the product's own programming language Control(CTRL).
An overview of the types of functions distinguished within Control.
WinCC OA GIS Viewer provides the cartographic representation of objects in WinCC OA. This new feature provides numerous advantages, particularly in geographical distributed systems, like in Water, Traffic, Oil & Gas or Energy.
Specifies whether drop events are enabled for this object.
Adds columns to a table selection.
Adds lines to a table selection.
Adjusts the width of a column so that the widest entry has enough space.
Allows to set alternating background colors for the rows of a table.
Appends either a row containing values or an empty row. to the table
Appends several rows to a table.
Allows to define whether empty rows are visible or not.
Defines the background color of an active cell.
Defines the background color of a cell at a specific position.
Gets / sets if a specific cell inside of the table can be edited.
Specifies the fill pattern for a table cell.
Sets the font for a table cell.
Defines the text color for the active cell.
Defines the text color of a cell at a specific position.
Defines the text format of a specific row and column in a table.
The read-only property delivers top-left start coordinates as well as width and height of a cell.
Defines the tool tip text for a specific cell in a table.
Defines the contents of the active cell.
Defines the contents of a cell in a particular row and column.
Adds a widget (a push button or a combo box) to a table.
Defines the number of columns.
Defines the editing mode for a column.
Defines the text format of a specific table column.
Changes specific column labels in the table header.
The alignment of the table header.
Defines an icon for the table header of a column.
The tool tip shown for the column header.
The table header is shown or hidden.
Single columns of a table can be dragged by means of the mouse.
Sets the name for a table column at runtime. Note that not the title but the name of the column will be set. The same attribute also returns the column name of the defined column index at runtime.
This text is displayed grayed out until the user writes something in the input area of the column.
This attribute allows the width of a table column to be adjusted if the table's width decreases or increases.
Reads column names.
This attribute defines a text that will be displayed when the cursor points at the column of a table.
Shows or hides a column.
Gets or sets the width of a table column in pixels.
Sets or reads the column number and row number of an active cell. The property also returns the column and row indexes of a table when programmed as RightMousePressed event.
Returns the name of an active column.
Deletes all the rows in a table.
Deletes a table column.
Deletes a row if certain conditions are met.
Deletes a specific row.
Searches columns with key values and deletes all lines in which these values exist.
A specific number of rows are deleted, starting from an indexed row.
Clears the selection made in a table.
This function allows resizing of table column widths with the mouse.
This function allows resizing of table row heights with the mouse.
Gets all events that are available for a shape. Obsolete, use scriptNames instead.
Changes a column name at runtime.
Swaps over two columns in a table.
The attribute "filterRows" shows or hides rows according to the "show"; argument if a pattern match in a column is found (see description further on).
The attribute "filterRowsIgnoreCase" shows or hides rows, just as "filterRows" does. However, this function ignores the case when trying to find a pattern match.
Sets the font of an object.
Returns the content of a column.
Returns the width of the column.
Returns the elements of row "n" in a dyn_var.
Returns the indices of the selected columns.
Returns the indices of the selected rows.
Sets or gets the grid color of a table or trend grid at runtime.
"gridType" specifies whether the column and row grid lines or both of a table will be shown or not.
The attribute "horizontalScrollBarPolicy"; sets the horizontal scroll bar mode of an object, for example, textEdit, tree widget or a table. (Until Version 3.10 "hScrollBarMode")
Adds a column to a table.
Inserts an empty row after a specified row.
This function checks whether the active column is visible.
Defines whether the horizontal slider is pressed.
The attribute "isRowHidden" returns TRUE if the specified row is hidden.
Returns if the vertical slider is pressed.
Returns the number of rows in a table.
Gets or sets the height of a specific line inside of the table widget.
Returns the line number of the rows that are stated inside the mapping keys.
Changes the cell attributes in certain rows depending on their contents.
Returns the upper and lower limits of the rows currently visible.
Forces that a specific line of the table remains in the visible table area.
Sets the edit mode for a specific column.
Changes the title of a specific column.
This attributes defines a text that is displayed when the cursor points to a table column.
Shows or hides a specific column.
Changes the width of a named column. The width of the column is defined in pixels.
Returns the column index.
Removes columns from a table selection.
Removes lines from a table selection.
Sets font types per line in a table at runtime. The attribute rowFontType is used in connection with appendLine, appendLines, updateLine, updateLines and insertLineN.
Adds a header to a table row.
Adds several row headers to a table.
Adds a tooltip to a header of a table row.
Shows or hides the row headers.
Sets the width of row headers.
Sets the height for a table row.
Specifies the selection mode when you click into the table.
Defines the color for the selected cells.
Selects a specific column in a table.
Selects a specific line in a table.
Sets the current line.
The attribute "showRow" shows a row of a table. The attribute "hideRow" hides a row.
Sorts the table by columns.
Sorts the table by columns passed in an array.
Controls table sorting when a table header is clicked on.
Returns to a particular table sort order.
Sorts a section in the table.
Discards the last sort.
Defines if the table should scroll if new entries are added.
Gets/Sets if the table can receive the focus by using the tab key.
Sets the table mode.
Finds columns using key values and replaces certain values in multiple lines.
Defines how many lines minimum there have to be in order to use the new algorithm for the Control_Grafik/updateLines.html function.
This attribute specifies whether updates of a widget (for example, a textEdit, slider, progress bar, zoom navigator, LCD number or thumb wheel) have been enabled.
The attribute "verticalScrollBarPolicy" sets the vertical scroll bar mode of an object e.g. of a textEdit, a tree widget or a table. (Until Version 3.10 "vScrollBarMode")
Writes the content of a table to a file. This function can also be used to export an ODS file.
All events and functions, specifically available for the WebView EWO.
Functions available for the Zoom Navigator widget.
With the CTRL Debugger you can debug the programming language Control.
The CtrlExtension allows the addition of custom C++ code.
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