An introduction to the product's own programming language Control(CTRL).
An overview of the types of functions distinguished within Control.
Specifies whether drop events are enabled for this object.
Set the angles of an arc.
Indicates whether or not a button/object is pressed.
Defines or returns the background color of a dashed line.
Defines the type of filling for a graphics object. Various patterns and pictures can be used. The pattern is specified with a fill-pattern string which can be generated with the fill type selector.
Modifies the SVG image used for filling a shape.
WinCC OA GIS Viewer provides the cartographic representation of objects in WinCC OA. This new feature provides numerous advantages, particularly in geographical distributed systems, like in Water, Traffic, Oil & Gas or Energy.
The available functions of the Table object.
All events and functions, specifically available for the WebView EWO.
Functions available for the Zoom Navigator widget.
With the CTRL Debugger you can debug the programming language Control.
The CtrlExtension allows the addition of custom C++ code.
Save time and money with increased code quality in your projects