Advanced functions
The following information about advanced functions of the DBLogger configuration panel is aimed at specialists and developers. Normal users do not need these functions as a rule.
Main panel
"Restart DBL_Control.ctl" button
This button can be used to restart the Control script (or to stop it if the Automatic restart option is disabled in the console). A restart is required when a new DB has been defined or an existing DB deleted.
"Close" button
Closes the configuration panel for the DBLogger.
Database tab
Hidden popup menu
The menu can be opened by right-clicking on an empty area of the tab. This hidden menu contains certain functions for parameter-setters or testers that are not available for the normal user.
Delete IS_Alive
After selecting this menu option, the DBL_Alive table is deleted from the database. The table is automatically regenerated when the next write attempt is made.
Delete IS_Tables[_Flex]
After selecting this menu option, the DBL_Tables table and the DBL_Tables_Flex table are deleted from the database. These tables are automatically regenerated when a new table is created in the database.
Delete IS_Description
After selecting this menu option, the DBL_Description table is deleted from the
database. The table is automatically regenerated when
is next restarted or when the "Actualize
DBL_Description" option is selected from the popup menu.
When the table is regenerated, DPEs that no longer exist, or DPEs that are no longer transferred, are not added again, even though the relational DB held data for these in the past. These entries are lost.
Deleting the DBL_Description table is not necessary for normal users!
Actualize IS_Description
Once this menu option is selected, a search is made in all archive groups belonging to the current DB for data points that are used (see DPE .AgItems); the data point data is then read again and written to the DBL_Description table. Caution: DPs that are no longer used or no longer exist are NOT deleted from this table, as earlier entries may still be held in the DB.
Delete syslogs (MS SQL-Server)
In the MS SQL-Server DB, records of completed or cancelled transactions are not removed from the internal table. The DBLogger ensures that this table is cleared regularly (for example, hourly). If necessary the table can be cleared manually using this menu option.