These symbols are used to display values in different forms.

Symbol Symbol name Description
value_1 Displays the online value of the data point element with its unit.
value_2 Alternative display. Displays the online value of the data point element.
value_2b Alternative display (font). Displays the online value of the data point element.
value_2c Alternative display (font). Displays the online value of the data point element.
value_3s Alternative display (font without frame). Displays the online value of the data point element.


This symbol, like the others, is used to display values.

The following options are available:

indicate "invalid" by color: Colors the background blue (color invalid) if values are invalid (if invalid bit is set).

show Infopanel on Leftclick: This option allows you to open the same information panels in Vision as with the STD_INDICATORS (see bar_1).