Use of CCL
This chapter describes what the (CCL) - The Common Cryptography Library offers.
You can now use state-of-the-art crypto functions that use recommended configurations by default. (CCL) - The Common Cryptography Library offers both symmetric and asymmetric encryption with configurations that can be tailored to meet specific requirements. This allows you to focus more on implementing your business logic without having to worry about specific cryptographic algorithms, compatibility and vulnerabilities. Use the config entry useCommonCryptography for activating or deactivating (CCL) - The Common Cryptography Library.
From CTRL's point of view, the recently introduced CTRL functions (see decrypt() and encrypt()) for encryption and decryption offer significant improvements. The encryption functions support configuration, while the decryption functions do not require any information about the cipher algorithm used for encryption. From the C++ perspective, completely new interfaces have been introduced that offer comprehensive error handling and configuration options.