Customizing scripts
You can view and edit any script created with Simple Configuration in the Script Editor. The Script Editor is opened by clicking on the "Open Script Editor" symbol (symbol with the code lines) in the property sheet of the GEDI.
Subscripts from Simple and Complex Configuration can co-exist. Script changes made to functions and parameters in Complex Configuration and edited with Simple Configuration (see Simple configuration, basics), however, will be overwritten. A script is specified for an attribute if the script text "script defined" is displayed next to the event name.
The following examples illustrate this.
Customizing a script created
using Simple Configuration:
In Simple Configuration, configures several attributes for a graphics object. For example, rotation (see Rotate object), enabled status (see Activate object) and the color (see Change color) of a graphics object should be changed.
Click on the Finish button to create a script. View the script in the Script Editor. (click on the "Open Script Editor" symbol ). In the following you find a part of the code:
EP_setEnabledCB(string dp, int iNewValue) { setValue(" ", "enabled", (iNewValue < 88)); } |
You can make any changes to the script using the Complex Configuration. You could , for example, change values and enter colors manually.
Change the value to 99 and the color to green:
EP_setEnabledCB(string dp, int iNewValue) { setValue(" ", "enabled", (iNewValue < 99)); setValue("", "backCol", "Green"); /* set color manually (any correct Ctrl entry allowed) */} |
The rotation script is not changed.
Using Simple Confiuration, change a parameter that you already changed in Complex Configuration.
If you launch Simple Configuration, the settings made in the Simple Configuration will be displayed regardless of the changed script.
If you now make changes to these parameters, the original script will be overwritten. The settings made in Complex Configuration will be lost. Only that part of the script (for example, Enabled) will be regenerated in which the parameters were changed.
You can also change the parameters using the simple configuration.