Requirements and Installation


  • WinCC OA version 3.20

  • Siemens ITC (Industrial Thin Client)

Restriction: Due to technical limitations the usage of UTF-8 data point functions is not supported for ITCs.


On the Industrial Thin Client build a connection to the server by specifying the IP address of the WinCC OA web server:

  • Log in as an administrator and create a new connection under (Connections).

Figure 1. Siemens ITC - Connections
  • Select WinCC OA, see figure below:

Figure 2. Siemens ITC - a new connection (WinCC OA)
  • Specify the data:

"Connection name", "Description", "Server (IP address)", "Port" and the "Client ID" (the client ID is the UI number and it is 0 by default, If you want to use a specific UI number, you can specify it). Tick the check boxes "Autostart connection", "Show connection (Favorites)" and "Reconnect automatically". Click the OK button.

You can also specify a user and a password.

Figure 3. Siemens ITC - Connection Data

Click on "Exit" at the top right of the panel. Select the connection via the star symbol of the task bar. The connection to the server is built and a user interface is started.

The ITC shows the UTC time.

Figure 4. ITC and WinCC OA User Interface