Requirements for the DemoApplication

In order to be able to use the WinCC OA DemoApplication, the following hardware and software requirements must be met:

  • Operating system: Windows or Linux

  • Computer hardware: Intel Pentium IV 1,6 GHz (or better), 512 MB RAM (recommended: 1GB RAM), XVGA 1024x768 with 256 colors (ideally True Color), at least 200 MB free disk space in addition to the WinCC OA installation.

  • Temporary or permanent basic license for full operation. The DemoApplication terminates after half an hour every time it is used if you do not have a license provided by ETM (see also Licensing).

  • The DemoApplication contains a CTRL manager which starts the Scheduler script (scheduler.ctc). To use the Scheduler feature a valid license is required.


Although WinCC OA is, in principle, platform independent and applications can run on all platforms with minimum reconfiguration, we recommend that you run this application under Windows. There are two reasons for this: first, this Help facility is geared towards the components available on these platforms and second, the DemoApplication uses several ActiveX controls that are restricted to the Windows environments. As a minimum, the central operation panel (basepanel_user.pnl) would have to be modified from a module-in-module technology to individual modules.

I nstalling the DemoApplication

The simplest way would be to install the WinCC OA DemoApplication at the same time when you install the main WinCC OA software. For the DemoApplication to work correctly, you should at least select the following components:

Main components Sub-points
WinCC OA DemoApplication -
WinCC OA Base Product

- Server (Development & Runtime)

- Web Client

WinCC OA Online Help Online Help English (*.chm)

Note that the following ports are used for the DemoApplication: httpPort = 8081, httpsPort = 8443 as well as the httpPort = 8080 for reporting. Note also that if you want use the reporting templates with the DemoApplication, adjust the httpPort in the templates to 8080. Adjust the port in the data source settings, see chapter Data source.

After enabling these options, the system prompts for confirmation and asks you to enter the installation path for the DemoApplication. Make certain that the specified destination drive has enough memory space. Since WinCC OA has specific safety mechanisms for when the hard disk is too full and the applicable limits can be set specific to the project, we recommend having at least 50 MB of extra space in addition to the memory requirement listed in the Setup dialog. This ensures that there is sufficient space in reserve for initial steps and small tests.


CAUTION: when you install a WinCC OA 3.18 patch, the data of the DemoApplication is reset. Back up your data before installing a patch.


You cannot change the installation path afterwards meaning when using the maintenance installation.

DPE monitor

There are two configurations Water_Supply and Reaction_Tank for the DemoApplication in the DPE monitor panel. These configurations show the data points of the different scenarios. For more information about the DPE monitor, see chapter DPE monitor panel.


WinCC OA can use both absolute colors through RGB codes and components of the Windows color schemes.