Dialog box handling
Every dialog box displays its name at the top. Dialog boxes are controlled with the button bar displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.

Skip >
The attributes Position and Scale are configured in two stages (X and Y direction). If you only want to configure one direction, you can skip the other direction with this button.
< Back
Jumps to previous panel without checking plausibility of inputs. Any parameters entered will be lost.
Next >
Jumps to next panel checking plausibility and saving inputs. However, inputs will not be added to the graphics object until you click Finish.
Leave Simple Configuration. All inputs from this configuration session will be lost.
Generates a script from parameter attributes. Leave Simple Configuration.
The help button activates Online Help.
Select data point
You can locate and select the data point (DP) using the DP selector button. Using the DP
selector is explained in the Module PARA - data point selector chapter. After
selecting a data point, the grayed out fields are filled in from the database. When
selecting a DPE, you can define whether to append the system name or not. For system
independent references no system name should appear in the scripts.
Manual input of data point or $ parameter
You can also enter a data point element (DPE for short) or a $ parameter manually in the input box. To do so, you must also define the appropriate data type. The DPE must already exist in the database when you input.
Manual input of a data point identifier must be completed by pressing Return!