Advanced settings
This tab allows to define the driver behavior on connection establishment or for redundant connections.

JSON time synchronization
Defines if UTC or local time shall be used.
Allows to define an timezone offset for the local time if UTC is not used.
Intervals / timeouts
Keep alive interval
The driver recognizes a loss of connection after the defined keep alive timeout.
Reconnect interval
Defines the intervals in which the driver tries to reestablish the connection after a connection loss.
Advanced configuration
Set invalid bit
Defines if the invalid bit shall be set on connection loss. The uncertain bit of the respective data point element is set if a topic is received but cannot be decoded.
Enable statistics
Enables the statistical evaluation of data for this connection.
Persistent session
If enabled, buffered values are received from the broker on (re)connect.
If the setting "Persistent Session" is enabled the internal Client ID is composed of connection name and data point ID of the connection data point. If the setting is not enabled the internal client ID is generated uniquely or can be manually stated, see below. For more information on the Persistent session, see Persistent Session.
Client ID
This optional configuration can be used by defining a value for the client ID. If a value is not set, it is automatically created.
Main Connection
Optional Client ID that can be entered if it is required by the MQTT broker.
Redundant Connection
The optional Client ID for a redundant connection.