
Reads a number of bytes from a file to a blob variable.


int fread(file f, blob &b[, int numBytes]);


Parameters Meaning
f File to be read
b blob variable
numBytes Number of bytes to be read. This argument is optional, if it is not given all bytes until EOF are read.

Return value

In the event of errors, the function returns -1 or EOF otherwise, the number of read characters.


Reads a number of bytes from a file to a blob variable.

If you set numBytes == 0 (or e.g. reading an empty file) the result will be an empty blob.


Writes 4 bytes and reads 2 bytes to/from a file.

  blob target, rtarget;
  int len, pos;
  string s;
  anytype value;
  bool bigendian;
  s = "FFAB003AFF";
  target = s;
  len = 1;
  value = 5;
  bigendian = TRUE;
  DebugN("Blob AppendValue: " + blobAppendValue(target, value, len, bigendian)); //blob length is 6 = FF AB 0 3A FF 5
  DebugN(target); //ff ab 0 3a ff 5
  int fr, fw, numW, fcl, err, numR;
  file wf;
  wf = fopen("D:\\BFile.txt", "w");
  numR = 2;
  numW = 4;
  err = ferror(wf);
  fw = fwrite(wf, target, numW);
  DebugN("Number of bytes that could be written:", fw);
  //Output: ["Number of bytes that could be written:"][4]
  fr = fread(wf, rtarget, numR);
  DebugN("Number of bytes that could be read:", fr);
  //Output: ["Number of bytes that could be read:"][2]
  fcl = fclose(wf);


File functions
