
Gets the number of languages currently available.


int getNoOfLangs();


Parameter Description
none -

Return value

If successful, the function returns the number of languages or in the event of an error, -1.


Returns the number of languages currently configured in the project.


This example demonstrates the majority of the functions that are connected with Multi-language capability. In the example, the project languages are German, English and Spanish. The langString ls contains the user-defined language names, for example, "English". A direct assignment by index operator [ ] is not allowed, only one dyn_string with the appropriate entries can be assigned. The only way of changing individual elements is by using the function setLangString, for example, for corrections (in the example "German" replaces "French"). As an option, the entry can also be made using the editor with the function langEditor. Further on in the example, miscellaneous information relating to the language settings in the Log viewer is outputted.

  int i,id,idx,anz,t;
  langString ls;
  dyn_string d;
  d[1]="English"; // These strings are used for
  d[2]="French"; // "configuring" the
  d[3]="Spanish"; // langEditor
  ls=d; // assignment of a dyn_string is allowed
  setLangString(ls,2,"German"); // single assignment
  langEditor(ls); // start the editor
  no=getNoOfLangs(); // number of languages
  t= getParamLang(); // configuration language
  DebugN("Para:",ls[t]); // Name of the para language
  t=getMetaLang(); // meta language
  t=getActiveLang(); // active language
  for (i=0;i<no;i++) // Go through all languages
    DebugN("name:",getLocale(i)); // Iso name
    id=getGlobalLangId(i); // Global Id
    DebugN("Global Id :",id);
    idx=getLangIdx(id); // reverse of getGlobalLangId
    DebugN("language ",idx,"=",ls[idx]);

In the last output, instead of ls[idx] you can also write ls[i] for as long as an error does not occur, idx is equal to i (due to the reverse of getGlobalLangId()).


Multi-language capability
