Start and stop

Once the installation has been completed successfully, you can start WinCC OA. Use the following commands for starting respectively stopping:




These commands start the project administration respectively the console (for detailed information on the project administration and console, refer to the chapters Project administration, basics and Console, basics). If you use the graphical interface KDE under Linux, you will find entries in the start menu (WinCC OA <version>) after WinCC OA installation for starting the console or project administration.

Note: In order to start WinCC OA processes from a command shell under Linux, the PATH variable has to contain a reference to the bin directory of the WinCC OA version. Additionally, an entry within /etc/ has to point to the bin directory of the WinCC OA version.
Note: If you want to start WinCC OA with another User than the WinCC OA installation user, please proceed as follows:

- Stop the project

- Delete the /tmp/lockmgr file

- Stop Im_ip with the following command: killall Im_ip

- Execute the following command as root user in order to delete the sticky bit: chmod -t/tmp

The shell scripts, known from earlier versions, for starting and stopping WinCC OA remain for compatibility reasons. These are the scripts:



Note: When a project uses the config entry dataBgName = "" to suppress the launch of the DataBG manager.

On Linux, this means the RAIMA DB stays in single-user mode to maximize performance. You can override this by setting the config entry"multiUserMode = 1" in the [ascii] section.